Do your parents like Bodom?

So, i was in class the other day when my Algebrea 2 teacher approaches me. Im not exactly the best student, and im always a smart ass so i figured i was gonna get preached to about this or that. So she walks up, and tells me that she always see's me with my metal t's on, and she was wondering if i could tell her some good bands. I asked her what she was into, and the first thing out of her mouth was that she loved CoB. Just thought it was really funny how fitting this tread is for that story

If she's hot, bone her.
So, i was in class the other day when my Algebrea 2 teacher approaches me. Im not exactly the best student, and im always a smart ass so i figured i was gonna get preached to about this or that. So she walks up, and tells me that she always see's me with my metal t's on, and she was wondering if i could tell her some good bands. I asked her what she was into, and the first thing out of her mouth was that she loved CoB. Just thought it was really funny how fitting this tread is for that story

Strangely enough I have the EXACT same relationship with my Algebra 2 teacher. Its hilarious cause we'll reference metal songs in class and the rest of the kids will be totally oblivious to it while we laugh our asses off. He's more into thrash and old school stuff but he likes COB.
My parents despise bodom but sometimes my dad watches me play some bodom licks and he likes that but still the music itself isn't anything he'd like.

My mom neither, but sometimes I hook up my iPhone up to the stereo and I put bodom on and she always says 'please put it softer, I've got an headache' and she pulls that trick everytime.. :lol:
No, both of them dislike Bodom. My mom hasn't never said a bad word about CoB though, neither dad (well he doesn't live with me and mom :p) but I know both of them hate the band. :'p
Most of non-metal people just don't understand 1) the vocals, 2) the solos, 3) rock'n'roll riffs. We listened to some doom metal this Christmas tho (because I played it), my mom actually found it insightful. I wasn't allowed to have a spin on the COB cover album tho, when my bro had bought it for me as present. :lol: It would be too embarrasing to pley anywhere near grown ups tho, but I enjoy many songs of it.
My dad is actually a fan of Bodom. He wanted to take me to see them back in September but they were sold out. My mom just gags, though, at anything with screams or harsh vocals.
My parents listen to folk songs and fucking hate "noisy" music :erk:
Most of my friends listen to pop, R'n'B and some other shit :Puke:. The rest listen to soft rock.
:erk: :mad:
My parents do not like CoB. Dad always says shit like "this isn't even music" etc. when I listen to them. But he thinks softer metal is okay like Metallica, Maiden, Megadeth etc. He's into Beatles:p
My dad likes any music as long as there is some real talent and he does see that in CoB, he was amazed when he came over and I made him watch Stockholm live. He was even more amazed when he found out I could play most of there song.....he was all "well those guitar lessons must have paid off." Yea, no shit Dad.

My step mom loves CoB, she wants me to burn every cd I have for her, and everytime they come over now she wants me to put in the DVD.....I think she has a crush on Alexi, but hey whatever.

My real mom prob has no idea who CoB is. She only listens to pussy rock like Godsmack and Metallica.
My parents just like pop and fucking Kurdish/Arabic music. During the intro of a CoB song they still kinda like it, but as soon as Alexi starts to sing, it gives them a headache:lol:
my mum despises bodom and metal of any sorts she says they are demons from hell and ima join them one day.haha. my dad on the other hand is supportive as he listens to metal but he doesent like some songs its too fast for him he says.