Things bodom needs to improve on...

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FearTheReaper said:
and do more of...for their next album.Well its time to complain and hope for another follow the reaper caliber album.Here are some things i think bodom needs to do more of ond improve on for their next album

1-more Keyboard/guitar duets,(there were none on aydy)
2-Let roope solo
3-More sweep arpegios
4-Alot more god damn keyboards
5-Improved song writing(in your face need i say more)
6-Better vocals(if alexi practiced once a day his voice would get better)
7-More songs like bastards of bodom!
8-More quotes before songs(its not a big deal but its better to have them)
9-More random fucks(alexi yelled fuck like every minute on something wild and it was funny)

:rock: :rock:

you and HateCrewDeathroll need to hook up or something so you fags can talk about this shit amongst yourselves. stop bashing on bodom. they are who they are and no, you can't change them. let alexi write whatever the fuck he feels like writing. and like someone said, enjoy all the music that bodom has given us thus far. :rolleyes:
FearTheReaper said:
and do more of...for their next album.Well its time to complain and hope for another follow the reaper caliber album.Here are some things i think bodom needs to do more of ond improve on for their next album

1-more Keyboard/guitar duets,(there were none on aydy)
2-Let roope solo
3-More sweep arpegios
4-Alot more god damn keyboards
5-Improved song writing(in your face need i say more)
6-Better vocals(if alexi practiced once a day his voice would get better)
7-More songs like bastards of bodom!
8-More quotes before songs(its not a big deal but its better to have them)
9-More random fucks(alexi yelled fuck like every minute on something wild and it was funny)

:rock: :rock:

Shut up. Just shut up. Were I a moderator, I'd close this immediately. How about places you need to improve on:

1-get better taste.
2-open your mind a little.
3-accept that sometimes musicians would like to do what they want instead of what their devoted fans want.
4-get a better sense of humour.
5-try writing music as good as this before you criticize it.

'Nuff said.
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