Do you like Children of Bodom?

Do you like Children of Bodom?

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Am I the only one who answered "I love them, but I only listen to them every so often."? I see that I am, maybe I wasn't clear. "I love them, but I only listen to them every so often." means that, I love Bodom, I think they are amazing, they are my favourite band (in name) but I really don't listen to them that much anymore because well, there's nothing new and I've been listening to them since 2003 so I've just found a lot of other new stuff. I'll go like 3-6 months without listening to them at all, then when I start listening again I love it, and I just repeat the cycle. I'll still go see them live, and in my opinion, they are the best metal band in terms of having amazing songs (every song is pretty epic save for a few, but they're still good). I'm not saying other bands don't make better music, just in terms of hit after hit, no other band comes close.

Same here, i still love them, for the feeling their music gives me when i listen to it. It's special.

But there's nothing new since i don't listen to them so often but that will change when the new album is out.
These people all just got fucking owned:

bodomite, Death_metaller, cholo11, Kuvasz, Naglfar, Söy, Black Core, Bodomonkey, Dred, enjoi17, imisseverygood showbecauseiam5, j0tun, KillerGon, Knarfi, Leandro, Pђoenix, rayden_ad, RiderOfJustice, Rocksane, Ruins, snowy, Sock puppet, spirit crusher, Swabs, The Nerevarine

Plus everyone else who talks shit about the band so fucking much, not that you care anyways, but it's lulzy to me (If your name is there and you haven't bashed the band then don't shit yourself I just took the names from the appropriate categories on the poll).


you fucking suck, just because I said I used to love them but don't listen to them that often.. you think that's bashing the band?:lol: And he's a funny fool, I think there a lot of people who would tell him that he fucking sucks if they had the chance.:rolleyes:
That was kinda stupid.
anyway, I like the idea of a song which might(according to)be dedicated to me:blush:
you fucking suck, just because I said I used to love them but don't listen to them that often.. you think that's bashing the band?:lol: And he's a funny fool, I think there a lot of people who would tell him that he fucking sucks if they had the chance.:rolleyes:
That was kinda stupid.
anyway, I like the idea of a song which might(according to)be dedicated to me:blush:

Plus everyone else who talks shit about the band so fucking much, not that you care anyways, but it's lulzy to me (If your name is there and you haven't bashed the band then don't shit yourself I just took the names from the appropriate categories on the poll).

I just took the names from the categories that said they didn't like Bodom anymore. Unfair yes, but whatever, I was too lazy to track down everyone who actually talked shit about the band, it was just a starting point.
I just took the names from the categories that said they didn't like Bodom anymore. Unfair yes, but whatever, I was too lazy to track down everyone who actually talked shit about the band, it was just a starting point.

nay,you didn't
''I used to love them, but I don't really listen anymore.'' doesn't mean that you don't like them anymore.
still love them and listen to them every day... they got me through some hard period and probably that's why i like them a lot... it doesn't matter what album, doesn't matter what song, as long as i listen to them... of course there is a best album, best song, ones that i listen the most, even those that i don't listen to very often, but simply they are the bend that make me travel to another country to see them... :lol: :D :p
I listen CoB almost every day, and cant wait Blooddrunk. I dont understand when people say that AYDY is piece of shit I think its CoB best album. Oh well everybody got own opinion.