Do your parents like Bodom?

I come from a long line of rap lovers so in my home Children of bodom is always playing. I think My moms anthems are "In your face, Hatecrew deathroll, and Hate me." so she always quiotes lines in each song when someone pissed her off
Since my father and I went to Graspop this year, he LOVE Cob!
His favourite songs are In Your Face and Living Dead Beat

I come from a long line of rap lovers so in my home Children of bodom is always playing. I think My moms anthems are "In your face, Hatecrew deathroll, and Hate me." so she always quiotes lines in each song when someone pissed her off

your parents love rap so they love bodom?
your parents love rap so they love bodom?

Oh no! my cousins love rap my mom would kill the living crap out of you playing that in her house. family in my home is my little sister, me and my mom she tell my cousin she would break a cd if played
I love your mom.

Edit: When i lived with my parents they HATED ALL metal, but they had a serious hate on for Children of Bodom. Now every time they come to visit i play CoB so they'll go home quicker :-)
So, i was in class the other day when my Algebrea 2 teacher approaches me. Im not exactly the best student, and im always a smart ass so i figured i was gonna get preached to about this or that. So she walks up, and tells me that she always see's me with my metal t's on, and she was wondering if i could tell her some good bands. I asked her what she was into, and the first thing out of her mouth was that she loved CoB. Just thought it was really funny how fitting this tread is for that story
oh god i wish, my parents are those classis "i cant even understand what they are saying" type parents plus they r hardcore christians but I dont let that stop me from listening to them XD I blast them in my car every time I drive
I havent showed my parents any Children of Bodom music except for the cover of "Dont Stop At The Top" coz its like there softest song (and now its one of my favourites) but I only showed them the first 20 seconds... Just before it got a big outta control with the screaming :D

Still, even if my parents didnt like it and told me not to listen to it, I still would :D
Hmm.. Well I've showed my parents the Stockholm Knockout gig... Wel showed isn't the right term.. I forced them to watch it because I was watching it on the flatscreen in the livingroom XD
Anyway my dad had heard the Clash of the Boozebrothers solo already and loved that... My mom just liked the guys on stage.. (WTF, I'm the young one, thats my job!!)..
My dad kinda liked the music.. not the fast and hard songs though.. but the more slow and melodic songs.. and he doesn't really like the screaming.. He wouldn't put it on himself, but he doesn't mind when I listen to it and he happends to be around..

My grandparents on the other hand..... They prefer Andre Rieu and shit like that.. They just think its noise... lol
My dad thinks they're talented but pretentious, he's a good sport about it though. My mom on the other hand thinks Alexi's "adorable" 0_o
My mom likes CoB very much, but my father is much more into lighter music. My parents have got kinda different tastes of music. When I'm playing CoB CDs to my dad, he says something like "Stop that motherf*cking goatrape" but my mom listens to Are You Dead Yet and Skeletons in the Closet in her car.

They are oldschool rockers, but that's too much for them (esp. for my mum).
I guess it's the vocals that really kill it for them, the music alone would probably be not that bad.