My first post!
Both my parents like In Your Face, which is probably the only song they heard me playing for the past 2 weeks (I play guitar); my dad thinks Alu is a good songwriter. Awesome. My mom isn't a big fan of anything with screams, but she likes the riffs
But she loves the song HCDR.
Gotta love parents who both listened to rock/metal when they were young. My dad digs slayer \m/ My mom Avenged Sevenfold (haha..ha.. I mean, they're not bad, it's just kinda sissy... fun to play though).
Both my parents like In Your Face, which is probably the only song they heard me playing for the past 2 weeks (I play guitar); my dad thinks Alu is a good songwriter. Awesome. My mom isn't a big fan of anything with screams, but she likes the riffs

Gotta love parents who both listened to rock/metal when they were young. My dad digs slayer \m/ My mom Avenged Sevenfold (haha..ha.. I mean, they're not bad, it's just kinda sissy... fun to play though).