Do your parents like Bodom?

My first post!
Both my parents like In Your Face, which is probably the only song they heard me playing for the past 2 weeks (I play guitar); my dad thinks Alu is a good songwriter. Awesome. My mom isn't a big fan of anything with screams, but she likes the riffs :P But she loves the song HCDR.
Gotta love parents who both listened to rock/metal when they were young. My dad digs slayer \m/ My mom Avenged Sevenfold (haha..ha.. I mean, they're not bad, it's just kinda sissy... fun to play though).
My father can't stand any metal band and Bodom doesn't make change :P
But still my mother likes. She has actually seen them live once and she's a bit angry when she can't come to Ilosaari with me to see them! :lol:

I think it's weird to go watch gigs when you know that your mother is there too screaming her lungs out...

And my mom has said that Alexi is sexy...
Both my parents can't stand any metal song. They think metal is not a music, is a shit. But every day they are passing through a metal torture. :heh:
Once, my dad was looking something in my cell phone and he saw a picture from Alexi set as wallpaper and he asked me: Who's this girl? I tell him is Alexi, fucking crazy metal singer and he started to telling me some shit about the metal music. My mom is thinking to crush my computer, but if she do that, I'll crush her. :rock:
Both my parents can't stand any metal song. They think metal is not a music, is a shit. But every day they are passing through a metal torture. :heh:
Once, my dad was looking something in my cell phone and he saw a picture from Alexi set as wallpaper and he asked me: Who's this girl? I tell him is Alexi, fucking crazy metal singer and he started to telling me some shit about the metal music. My mom is thinking to crush my computer, but if she do that, I'll crush her. :rock:
ahahahaahahahahahhaahahha.... like mine......
my dad whos that girl??? and i: is alexi... and he: fuckin idiots!
lal,my parents dont like metal they think its just *noise* coming from the speakers.. lal.
They dont care what music I listen to.. :)
My mom just forced me to delete COB from my mp3 and comp. Apparently, she does not like the words motherfucker, kill, Blood, razorblade in the music I love. Anyways, I backed the songs up in a password protected thumbdrive XD. So fuck censorship!

Wow, what the hell are you supposed to listen to then? LOL. That's rough.
My parents? Bodom. Oh . Jesus.
I put my stockholm live dvd in the tv and they flip shit lolol.
My Dad admits that Alexi is one of the best guitarists in the world but he thinks the whole band are fucking idiots, and he hates their singing.
My Mom just hates my music (metal) all together she thinks its low class or some shit. hahaha .
I really don't care though It's my music. :)
my mom does

she used to tour asia in a pink floyd cover band playing keyboard so she can appreciate the music

when she heard janne's solo in chokehold while we were driving she was like, "wow."

the voice she can do without though lol