Borknagar tour

Originally posted by Tyr
For various reasons , there will be no american tour for this album.
It's quite clear that the tour-planning for Empiricism was lacking , and now its really not enough time to work out an american tour this summer. We thought we could perhaps delay the tour until November , but we found that working on the new album in the last two months of this year would be the correct priority for us.
We'll spend Jan-feb ++ in the studio , and we target April or August for the release , hopefully worldwide. Touring will start shortly thereafter.

We're looking at the Milwaukee Metal Fest in July , which will be our only appearance stateside this time 'round. This is however , still uncertain.

Europe will see alot more of us this time than the Americans will , we're adding a few more festivals to our plans , and there will be a European tour in October. I'll give an update on that later on.

Our web-site is almost finished , just a few more days now :)


Sure sad for the Americans, I'm glad were I live, so I can see you quite often live :)

Looking forward to the website, get a forum here... PLEASE. :grin:
Just a question, Tyr.
I read the new Scream magazine today, and in an
interview with Susperia I read something about their
plan to try to get Borknagar on tour around Europe
with them. How are things going with this plan? If
that ever happens, will you stop by Norway? Cause
usually when there are more than one great band on
a tour they never play in Norway >:oP hehe.....
I'm really anxious to see Borknagar!
I scarcely post at forums, but this is a happy day:

1. the borknagar-homepage will be running soon
2. a borknagar-european tour on october (yeahyeahyeahyeahyeah!!!!!!) - come to GRAZ (Austria) - please!
3. A new album next spring (yuhuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!)

Thanks a lot, Tyr, you saved my day, and this was a really awful day before I read your post, believe me!!!!!

if i supply the beer, will you guys do a concert in my house? :p

btw, this old Borknagar stuff supried me! Its a lot more melodic than i thought, i picutred like hardcore black metal, very nice stuff :)
Originally posted by Final_Vision
if i supply the beer, will you guys do a concert in my house? :p

If they do, I'll come too! I'll bring some beer as well,
as a gift >:o) And I need some "rødbrus" for little me.

OooOooh! What a party! Headbanging like mad at
home! hehehe... >:oP \,,/ BORKNAGAR \,,/
if i could see borknagar just once, play live... and hear vintersorg belt out colossus... my life would be complete.
its simply unfortunate that america isn't more receptive to this genre of music.
this sucks. i really hope you play metalfest as i'll be there. hopefully next time.

Originally posted by Tyr
For various reasons , there will be no american tour for this album.
It's quite clear that the tour-planning for Empiricism was lacking , and now its really not enough time to work out an american tour this summer. We thought we could perhaps delay the tour until November , but we found that working on the new album in the last two months of this year would be the correct priority for us.
We'll spend Jan-feb ++ in the studio , and we target April or August for the release , hopefully worldwide. Touring will start shortly thereafter.

We're looking at the Milwaukee Metal Fest in July , which will be our only appearance stateside this time 'round. This is however , still uncertain.

Europe will see alot more of us this time than the Americans will , we're adding a few more festivals to our plans , and there will be a European tour in October. I'll give an update on that later on.

Our web-site is almost finished , just a few more days now :)

That Borknagar tour must reach Finland. Especially if there really is Finntroll with them :)

And Borknagar forum will rule too \m/

NP: Borknagar - Colossus (I should get Empiricism.. this is at least 200th spin of Quintessence ;))