Boss Metal Core Pedal? Opeth

The Trees

New Metal Member
Jun 7, 2008
I want to play some good ol' Opeth tunes but i need a heavy pedal i did some research for a heavy one. Don't like the metal zone, already got the Boss HM-2. Now this metal core pedal came out anyone try it? Is it worth buying?
I don't know but the Metal Muff seems to be pretty good - according to reviews. I have it but I'm a total guitar noob, so I can't actually tell.
I have both a metal zone (which btw is pretty meh if you're not playing Metallica) and a ds-1, and I still only use amp's distortion for Opeth. So...yea...what the above poster said.
I kinda agree, my amp is really cheap (I've put too much money into guitars/effects and I'm still using a starter amp), and it's still good enough that I've just gone ahead and taken the DS-1 out of my pedal board. But for my cheap amp, some thrash metal sounds are pretty hard to get.

I think I bought what I have at a list price of $200 or something's definitely time to replace that but I don't have the money.
Like a few people have said, it's worth saving up for a decent amp. The majority of the time people prefer the distortion straight from the amp. For the record, I have a Dual Rectifier and the distortion is chunky as all hell, which is great for metal and hard rock. It's even better when coupled with an extra EQ pedal/rack. You can get a huge variety of tones with a combination like that. Though, I can't blame you if it's out of your price range for a decent amp. But when you can afford it, it's well worth it, in my opinion. I haven't come across a solid state amp that's come anywhere near to replicating the sound of a tube amp.

Before I got the Mesa, I bought the Boss Metal Core pedal and later on the guitarist from my band gave me his Metal Muff. Comparing the two, I reckon the Metal Muff is far superior. The Metal Core's sound is indeed better than the Metal Zone; a decent bit 'fatter' and not so hardcore on the high frequencies. My main problem with the Metal Core is that the distortion knob basically goes from 'huge' to 'unbearably ridiculous' gain. The Metal Muff has a wider variety of tones and you can dial down the distortion to something closer to an overdrive if need be. The Top Boost thing is pretty handy if you do lead...although it can be a little ear piercing if you've got it set too high.

You also have the option of getting tube distortion pedal. I can't really comment on anything good for metal, although I have tried the Tonebone Classic (overdrive) and it made my little Roland 30 watt sound awesome! Blackstar have a few tube pedals in their line - I haven't tried any of them out, but it's worth a shot if you can find one to try out.
you should save up for a tube amp, shoud be noted that opeth use the BOSS GT-8 to attain all their tones, so if you want opeth tone....pedal on up!
This is what i use.
GT8 is only used live by them, and they're probably the only guys who can make the damn thing sound good!.. tbh I would avoid the gt8, unless you wanna mess around with a bunch of different effetcts to get a taste of things, and not buy single stomp boxes. And trust me, the distortion pedal will be a short term thing, you will eventually have the urge to get a decent amp. If you've got the money go for orange amps, if not compromise on a cheap roland.
Well today I just realized when I was looking at the money I have to buy a computer for college next year, that I'll definitely have enough left over to upgrade to a better amp by the end of summer that I'm thinking about it, any recommendations for something with a good gain channel would be nice (I'll definitely check out that dual rectifier) - probably going to look at price ranges around $500-$750.

This is kinda on topic I guess lol, still gives the OP some ideas for distortion...
I've got one of those Boss Metalcore pedals

2 things:

1) How much does the name of the pedal suck???
2) IMO I think the sounds you can get out of it are a bit limited. Luckily I only have it as a back up in case my amp breaks and I run this pedal through a Crate powerblock.

For me I would only ever use it in an emergency.
dude, i got a line 6 flextone,i can Opeths tone no prob. thats my recommendation, if you have 1000 to spend on a mesa then get that! but if you dont, i highly recommend line 6 flextoneII