BOSS processor


Dec 8, 2008
Hello there.

I was going to buy a Boss GT-3 processor when I found out it's so old they don't even make them. I'd like some help. Should I find a GT-3 somewhere on ebay or buy some other processor? I need it for heavy music.

What kind of amp do you have? What are you planning on using it for the effects or the amp modeling? Modeling it's not so great, but the effects are highly tweakable. You can find used Boss multi effects pedals all over the place. I myself own a GT-8 that I use for effects.
It'll be used on many different and I'd like it independent from amps. So I guess I want to use it for modeling AND effects...
Are you going to use it in a live setting? Do you want to hook it straight up to the sound system, or straight to a computer for recording? Because only the new model, the GT-10 has USB connect-ability. My GT-8 has to connect through midi. I'm one of those people who obsesses about tone so I'm constantly tweaking settings. Bottom line is you can get it sounding alright to your average joe, but you're not fooling tone nerds. Thing is noisy, and the high gain sounds like fizzy shite to be blunt. Mine is hooked up to a crappy Crate practice amp right now, and I still won't touch the modeling.

If you're serious about sounding good I suggest saving up for a decent amp. I can't suggest things because depending on where you live prices are drastically different. I know right now where I live they have the new Bogner Alchemist 40W 1x12 Tube Combo for a grand(probably a lot if you're not serious,) but it's a smoking deal. It's 40 watts, definitely more than you'll most likely ever need, and it can cut to 20, which is an awesome feature. It also has delay, and reverb built in. Best of all it's a Bogner so you know the tone is killer.
Yes, I'm going to use it in a live setting. I don't think I'm going to put it into the sound system and no usb connection for sure.
I won't be taking my amp everywhere. Each time I'll find different amps and there's really nothing I can do.
Well it sounds like you don't have much of a choice then. In that case you might want to check out one of the Line 6 Pod Live models. Still not going to be sounding great, but I've had much better results with their modeling.
You mean processor + amp compatibility matters THAT much? And why Line 6 Pod Live ought to take care of the work better than Boss series?
No, what I'm saying is that if modeling is a key feature for you then check out a Line 6 because their modeling imo sounds better out of the two. I never even use the preamp on my GT-8 because it just doesn't sound good imo. If I'm understanding you correctly you're going to need decent modeling to fall back because you don't know the equipment situation for each night. I'd give the edge on effects to Boss due to tweakability, but the line 6 is overall more well rounded for what it sounds like you'll be needing it for. Line 6 has more useable sounds right out of the box where as the Boss is for people who really like to sit, and tweak. For a metal or hard rock guy that's probably your best bet. If you're more of a bluesy or rock guy then a Vox Tonelab might be more up your alley, but it doesn't sound like that's what you're looking for.
I've spent a lot of time learning about some of better aspects about the GT-3.

Firstly ifyou do get one do not think of anything being what it says it is, for example I use the pre amps to create sounds - I think you will find Anders does the same, can be useful for shaving of top fizzy end in a different way than EQ would. I don't use them to emulate pre amps if you get wht I am saying.

Secondly it should be pushed through a valve amp to really cream it up, the pedal sounds crap if you are going after stuff like the BIG chuggy riff sound, but for Discouraged Ones lead tones, through a valve amp it can take you right there.

Thirdly, there are some interesting effects on the pedal such as Feedbacker which really help you nail Anders sound. Also worth experimenting with Chorus it may feel cheesy at first but its actually one of the best sounds to make your lead tones doomier.

As you can see, ive pretty much used it to get Katatonias sound. I have gotten bored of that and developed my own sounds from that. The GT-3 is a creative little unit and the GT-8 and GT-10 expand on the unit.

What you should do is decide what you are like as a person, the GT-3 has a lot of features, but most great guitar tones are born of just a selection of those tones. On the new album Night is the new Day he went over to the singles pedal world and I bet that simplified the process somewhat.

You can pick up a used gt-3 for low prices on ebay, and they are good solid units, well worth it in my view. Just don't get drawn into believing that there is one way to do it all. Most of what you hear from any guitarist is the way they play, the pedals are just an extension of that.
I'm reaching for a heavy death/doom sound (Katatonias first two albums if you like to compare). Think it's possible to achieve that with Line 6 pod xt live? Or is there a better Line 6 live model in a similar money range. I considered not buying Boss GT mainly for modeling issues. So is this a solution?
I am still running a Boss GT-6. I am totally no tone nerd, lol, but I tweaked it until I found something I liked. It doesn't sound like anyone else that I know of.... I love lots of people's sounds, but I like having tones that sound like me.
just get yourself a tube amp and forget about pedals,processors they all suck , unless you need delay or chorus effects then go for stomp boxes only
Like I said, its not about whats good or not its about appreciating the sounds for what they are.

But a good valve amp is 100x more fun than a pedal thats for sure.
Hey man well ill throw my 2 cents:

I used to have a Boss gt6, i have also played with a gt3 in the past.. and i agree the preamp modeling is not that great.. you can achieve great tones through them but as soon a syou change to another amp( i also play live a lot).. everything gets messed up. ( even i fyou get hooked using the 4 cable method through the Fx loop).

So what i used to do was to disable the preamps all together and only use the OD/DS settings, still i had somw problems.

After some years getting a hold of it and after opening for Katatonia in my country i noticed they do this little trick with a preamp modeling device along with the GT3 so i got me a Pod ( line 6) and use that as my preamp.. everything worked well all together but it was a hassle to transport and hook.

Recently i started looking for anothe option besides moving my Boogie mark 4 with me everywhere i go, and well i tried the Zoom G9 the machine has 2 Valves built in and i thought i could great better results.. i generally like the zoom distortions but sadly it dissappointed me.. maybe tweaking the kknobs you can get a good tone.. but i couldnt use it for a long time( tried it in a store).

Then i went and did the same using the VOX Tonelab, and i really liked the chuggyness of the sound this also has Valves inside so i guess it makes a difference..

When i was about to buy the Tonelab and sell my Gt6 and Pod, i decided to give one last try to BOSS the gt-10 had just came out and it was way expensier than the rest.. I dont know about you guys but as soon as i strummed one chord i knew this was the one.

For me Boss has the best FX not only in stomp boxes but in the multifx pedals, they have always been a little complicated to use, but you get used to them, also the gt10 has a new interface and its easier to use that is a nice adition plus the USB conecction that quite frankly they should have had sinc ethe gt6.. i found the preamps greatly improved, and i mean GREATLY.. now im almost never using the OD/DS section, all preamp modeling and i like it.. thge sounds stay almost the same with all the amps ive tested.. and this wa sthe thing that made me go buy it even if it was at almost double in the price.

There are a lot of new features like the Looper and the dual channel configs ( i know some others have this and even the gt8 had a small looper, but the gt8 had the worst distortions sound of all the GTs ive played with), as i was saying it has a lot of things to consider and its easier to use i even tried to emulate the sound of the Meas Boogie Mark 4 with the Preamp modeling and it got pretty close , closest than any other device ive tried.

Theres just one little thing i dislike.. the change between patches gets a silence of some milliseconds, that could have wrecked the whole thing but after researching i found some ways to get around it, it seems this happens when the processor cchanges from a patch with one preamp enabled ( lets say a marshall) to another ( lets say a Dual Rectifier).. if you have the same preamp in both patches this wont happen, also you can always program that change in the dual channel section of the patch an dyou get no silence at all, instant change and you can also even program spillovers( for delay, reverb or Flanger fx).

I hope i have helped.. i couldnt really recomend it more, and even more for a Live performer.
The pre amp trick that katatonia do , apparently Anders dropped using the demonizer.

Seriously though dont go trying to replicate the sound of a valve amp on a £200 pedal. Buy a valve amp then use the pedal to create sounds through it, although there are specifics ignore them and play.
Thank you all for the comments. Well, I'm completely confused right now. No idea what do I want... I've read that compared: GT-10 < Line 6 pod XT Live. Dunno where such information comes from. I assume you'd say the quite opposite. So the modeling in GT-10 is improved, but is its skill enough (lol)? :rofl:
I see, GT-10 has a very big and endless variety of tone, the manual parameter selection seems neat, BUT... I don't have the ability to try any of these processors myself. I guess I'm just gonna believe you guys. If modeling matters that much should I go with Boss?
In my experience.. YES Boss all the Way.. go here i just uploaded a small sample of the tracks im recordign for my new EP.. you can hear the distortion.. and tell me if it doesnt sound like a Boogie..

Ill tell you this.. you should really try to check the processors before buying, cause in the end its all about personal preference.

and responding to "myownsilence": well yeah man a Valve amp is the way to go.. but when you are not a rockstar touring with one is too much of a hassle hence the processors.. and yeah you can always ask for a Valve amp in your Rider list but.. most of the time you will not get it.
I know I should try out the processor before buying, but there's just no possibility.

I've heard people talking that line 6 pod xt live is better at distortions than GT, while GT has better flangers, reverbs, chorus and all that stuff. In my case, I'll be using the drive mostly, so I don't really need other effects.

But I also found a dudes post telling he liked GT-8 more than pod xt live. Now, I think GT-10 is an upgraded GT-8, so if his post is objective...

For posterity's sake, here is the outcome of my home shootout: The POD XT Live is going back to Guitar Center today. To make this as fair as I could, I used each MFX box exclusively for a couple of days, going through the presets and then editing patches to get a couple of good clean sounds with and without effects and a couple of good distortion sounds, with and without effects.

The last day was spent A/B testing my "best of" homegrown patches on each unit. The same two guitars were used throughout (a MIM Strat and a Carvin Bolt with a humbucker in the bridge), and I plugged into the effects return of my Tech 21 Trademark 10 amp. Not the most ideal amp to use, but I found that it provided the least coloration. When it got late in the evening and the wife started complaining, I switched to a pair of Grado SR-125 headphones. The bottom line is that I tried to keep my testing as fair and even as I could.

Below is quick list of pros and cons for each unit:

Line 6 POD XT Live
Outstanding software interface (works on Macs too!), nobody comes close to Line 6 here
USB interface for quick-n-easy PC recording and patch editing
Very good high gain sounds
HUGE community support for troubleshooting, patches, etc.
Excellent online patch trading/downloading system ( with tight integration into the editing software
Line 6 updates their software/firmware regularly and it's a piece of cake to upgrade/update the unit

Lower gain sounds sound more artificial than GT-8
Effects lack depth and realism when compared to GT-8
Unit does not respond as well to pick dynamics
Unit does not respond as well to volume rolloff on guitar
Several amp sims have a distinctive "Line 6 voice" about them that I didn't care for

Boss GT-8
Lower gain and clean patches sound excellent and realistic
Effects are noticeably cleaner and have more depth than XTL
Dual processors for running 2 amp sims simultaneously
Most patches sound like distinct models rather than variations on a single patch (see "Line 6 voice" above)
Good response to picking dynamics and volume rolloff - not quite tube-like, but significantly better than XTL
Overall, feels more like playing a real amp than the XTL does

No USB connectivity for patch editing or recording. It does have SPDIF out for recording and MIDI connectivity for patch editing, but it's not as easy to use as USB
Patch editing software is unavailable for Mac (but there is a hack for the GT-PRO editor that works reasonably well)
Smaller user community for troubleshooting, patch trading, etc.
Steeper learning curve than the XTL, there is a dizzying array of things to tweak

If you've read other comparisons between these two MFX boxes (there is a great writeup here by Kewlpack and several user reviews over at, you'll see that my impressions pretty much line up with other people's thoughts. The POD XTL is easier to work with, but to me the GT-8 just plain sounded better and had a more realistic feel to it. Ultimately, that's what it's all about - getting the right sound and the right feel. Editing the patches on the GT-8 can be a challenging and frustrating experience, especially after using the user-friendly Line 6 Edit, but the results are absolutely worth it.

If Boss put a USB interface on the GT-8 and supplied software comparable to Line 6's offerings, the GT-8 would be nearly unbeatable

Yeah, it is individual, but he makes some points...
No USB connectivity for patch editing or recording. ( this has been fixed in the Gt-10 Model)

Patch editing software is unavailable for Mac ( there ypou go an Apple driver)

Smaller user community for troubleshooting, patch trading, etc. ( this i dont know really.. i mostly do my own stuff.. but has been quite useful in the past besides all you need to know is avaliable on the Tian Jay DVD tutorial for each boss gt model)

Steeper learning curve than the XTL, there is a dizzying array of things to tweak ( this is true.. one good thing about Line 6 is that it is really easy to use, its like counting numbers with apples, or having stompboxes hahaha.. but once you get iused to the Roland interface you are set to go.. once again i recommend the Tian Jays DVD.. also the GT-10 model has a better graphic Interface so its not as hard as with the previous Models.. it seems like im advertising but really i have thoought this throughly. go BOSS)

By the way does someone here has had a good experience with the ZOOM G9 ?? a friend of mine has it now.. and i just cant get a good sound out from it.
And now I'm convinced that Line 6 Pod X3 Live is all I need.. :D a huge plus is that it wins at high gain territory and, again, amp modeling. But how much different is XT Live from X3 Live? Well, the dual tone, a few out/in channels I guess. Not that much, but the price is bigger.