That FUCKING sound!


The Influenced
Jan 10, 2007
Ok Anders spill the fucking beans ok I spent many aday fucking with this damb pedal how do you set it up so it sont sound like a pile of shit or is it hat it does sound like a pile of shit but its not used on the albums?

I dont want your sound i just want to know whether or not I am going to sell it in the next 24 hours or not.

This is I love the clean tones but for heavy it aint happening I have the demonizer as well as 3 other great distortion pedals now I just want one simple answer an I promise next time your in the UK i will shake your hand, and that my friend wil be glorious for both of us (ok maybe not but im a little bit out of it).

so what is it

4 cable method - where you put that demonizer?

demonizer before gt-3

After gt-3

gt-3 a gimmick?

it sound shit i just deaf?

demonizer + something else?

GT-3 + something else?

setting i have seriously missed somewhere

So as one good guitarest to another I ask, no I beg of you tell me now please cos I really dont wanna sell this thing if there is hope.

Oh and if anyone else has a clue tell me!

PS the other thread no help YAY he useds the feedbacker NO SHIT but owhat is it that keeps the tone clean?

On the live DVD I noticed you use the send and return buthow straight to demonizer?
Have you googled settings for it?

I have a POD XT and helped quite a bit to get my basic channels set.
Lets put it this way, both guitarests use the gt-3 but yet they maintain a powerful sound, this is just not possible with a shit unit like the gt-3 as as soon as you insert it between guitar and amp it fucks up your sound completely and this is with no fx on.

Nothing on the net,,
Yea I know they use mesas and stuff to get more gain.

But I use the live DVDs as reference as its more for my live sound I want to acheive.

I just wonder how the demonizer and GT-3 are set up to interact as I end up with either too much bass or too much top end.

Of course they could just sound shit live but their playing makes up for it, I thought they sounded wicked when they did the consternation tour in the UK but with so many techies around them who knows how much of the sound is theirs other than the GT3

I noticed that I never saw the MATAMPS on tour with them this time, anyone else see em?
The demonizer is probably used in the external distortion loop like I did with other pedals. Create a patch with the preamp sim off and activate the distortion on the external setting. That way the demonizer will be used as a preamp only when you activate the distortion. For your clean sounds, just turn off the distortion section (obviously) and put a clean preamp back on.
yes the demonizer was plugged in the analog loop of the GT-3 and all internal preamps and distortion were by-passed with the use of that pedal. we then plugged into the effects loop of the amps (we always get mesa or marshall at festivals and one off gigs and only used matamp on our own tours). the amps own distortion has never been used live, we only used the heads as a power amp for the GT-3 to work all alone. a safe recipe in most situations where changeovers are down to nothing.
however, one-two years ago my demonizer pedal broke and i went back to my first setting that was once again GT-3 all the way. I'm using the internal preamp for distortion by it's gain and i keep the any seperate/additional distortion completely off as it doesnt sound as good as the preamp working alone. The trick to get it to sound good all comes down to the EQ section. u need to tweak around a lot with that first on the preamp itself, then head over to the main EQ (and if needed u can even apply one more EQ (i think it's called sub-eq) as an effect and tweak even more. this may take some time as there's a lot of frequenzies to play around with, but hey, dont be too fooled by the parameters - just use yer ears!!!!! i've found that sometimes live, my guitar sound is even better (more bottom, more of a crunchy drill) than fredrik's, especially when we go through marshalls. so it's indeed possible to get a good sound out of only the GT-3 if you're using it's internal preamp and going thru a power amp.
as for our GT-3's and the future.... the day has finally come when we must admit their work is done! especially our models who's been our loyal servants on every gig for the last 10 years (we started using them in 1999). unfortunately, they've lived their own lives lately doing weird stuff ie changing patches by themselves, altering or deleting certain effects from patches/banks... after all, i guess it may not really be that strange considering all the beating they've taken and who knows how much beer they've soaked :erk:.... The moment is up for retirement... however we have already got oursevels brand new riggs that are absolutely state of the art and i'm planning on posting pics and info about them asap.
goodbye GT-3..... :worship:
That's so nice of you to post man!

"however we have already got oursevels brand new riggs that are absolutely state of the art and i'm planning on posting pics and info about them asap"

Have/will you also use(d) those on the recordings for the new album? In other words, are you going for a different sound?
shit i gotta shake ya hand mate! Cheers anders -next time you see me in the UK im the one wishing i had more balls to say how much i love your music! (evidently)

Your work has inspired me in a very crazy way. I've gone cookoo as we brits say literally i have loved the sound that not only yourselves but the Audio engineers around you have crafted -it made me really strive to continue my career in music more than anything else!

My demonizer still works but I prefer the sound of my Seymour Duncan Twin Tube if I'm honest. I checked out your new pedals the TC electronic stuff fucking cool stuff, still sucks the tone out the sound though for recording - although its a lot better than the older boss stuff I don't think there is a way around it TBH.

Did you really like the demonizer though I mean it can be a harsh piece of shit sometimes!

PS sad to see the end of the GT-3 , the TC eleectronic would be an expensive beast to copy! Your on your own mate but i have to agree after hearing one in the studio the Ducking delay is fantastic!