Boss sd-1, have I lost my mind?? The story of my day....

No, I know you weren't. But go to a music store or a lot of other music forums and see how many people try to convince you that the TS7 isn't as good as the TS9 or the SD-1 is a cheap ripoff that you'll only be replacing in a few months anyway. This mentality is epic fail.

BOSS & Ibanez wins yes? :)

I'd say that BOSS wins more. I don't think Ibanez 'wins' so much as 'offers an affordable alternative to pedals they shouldn't be charging half their price for, so doesn't fail quite as much as they could' - but I've used BOSS pedals to fix other pedals (literally... some Ibanez cases will NOT cooperate sometimes) and never had a problem with a single one.

No, I know you weren't. But go to a music store or a lot of other music forums and see how many people try to convince you that the TS7 isn't as good as the TS9 or the SD-1 is a cheap ripoff that you'll only be replacing in a few months anyway. This mentality is epic fail.


Yeah. I have never actually used a TS7. I stuck the TS9 in front of a head or 2 here and there, in the studio. I've also used the Maxon and the newer BBE Boosta Grande. I will definitely be adding the SD-1 back into the recording arsenal though. I also have an old-as-fuck OD-3. I've never tried that in front of a tube amp though. TBH, I don't even remember where or how I got the damn thing. :lol:
Yeah, I have no idea where half of my electronics hospital came from either. I know it's not stuff people have paid me to mod, so I'm not too worried about it usually, but I swear I have a split personality with even more of a caffeine problem than I have and an amazing ability to shit electronics.

Yeah, I have no idea where half of my electronics hospital came from either. I know it's not stuff people have paid me to mod, so I'm not too worried about it usually, but I swear I have a split personality with even more of a caffeine problem than I have and an amazing ability to shit electronics.


Yeah... I even had a bass laying around for a while and I had no idea where it came from. I here you about Boss being totally under-appreciated though. Everyone thinks that they are just "run-of-the-mill" because they are so readily available. People don't understand that it doesn't have to be "boutique" to sound good. Hell, there is a lot of "boutique" shit that I thinks sounds terrible, not to mention wouldn't last very long under my boots. I like pretty much everything Boss makes, as far as the stomp boxes. I currently have 4 of them on my live pedal board... The DD-6 & GE-7 in the loop, and TU-2 & OC-2 in front. (those are topped off with a Bad Horsie 2 Wah, a Small Clone, and footswitch for my head.

I also agree with you on the Behringer thing. I fucking hate that company, and every single piece of ripped-off shit that they try to pass off to the public. They are nothing but low-rent thieves over there... cock-suckers!

You have to be on fucking crack... unless you're using it wrong, there's NO REASON AT ALL why the TS9 would do better than the TS7. You will find the same variances between two TS7s or two TS9s than you would between one of each. Why would you spend twice or three times as much money for the same fucking thing?

The last thing the music world needs more of is this mentality that more expensive gear has to be better. (Gibson, anyone?)


No, Im catching your drift, I tried the TS7 because you said hands down there was no difference at all between it and the more expensive stuff like the TS9 and the TS9DX, and the Maxon OD9. But then LSD chimed in with some voodoo about carbon resistors or some such flux capacitor. So I thought trying the more Gear Slut-esque models would confirm how I felt about that exchange between the two of you, That said I came out of it feeling weird because I wasnt completely sold by any of them. They are all the rage around here (amongst people whos work and words I take seriously) and obviously important enough to warrant their own FAQ. The mention of the SD-1 in said FAQ didnt seem glowing as simply being allowed to live doesnt seem much of a positive endorsement. To be honest honest I was just hoping to vindicate what my ears were hearing and making sure I wasnt missing some bigger picture kinda shit. Im all for doing the best with what you have and low priced gear that doesnt suck, but you never know unless you try

Hampster, Now that you mention it I do remember the Garland and the reamp website, very cool.

Jonsey, I have the leval a little above half, the tone a little above half, and the drive one quarter the way up, its actually adding punch to my mesa that wasnt there to begin with.

thanks everyone
No, Im catching your drift, I tried the TS7 because you said hands down there was no difference at all between it and the more expensive stuff like the TS9 and the TS9DX, and the Maxon OD9. But then LSD chimed in with some voodoo about carbon resistors or some such flux capacitor. So I thought trying the more Gear Slut-esque models would confirm how I felt about that exchange between the two of you, That said I came out of it feeling weird because I wasnt completely sold by any of them. They are all the rage around here (amongst people whos work and words I take seriously) and obviously important enough to warrant their own FAQ. The mention of the SD-1 in said FAQ didnt seem glowing as simply being allowed to live doesnt seem much of a positive endorsement. To be honest honest I was just hoping to vindicate what my ears were hearing and making sure I wasnt missing some bigger picture kinda shit. Im all for doing the best with what you have and low priced gear that doesnt suck, but you never know unless you try

The carbon comp stuff is a great way to make money and not a great way to make a big difference; I wasn't even under the impression that carbon comps were used in the stock TS9s.

I've started liking the SD-1 a hell of a lot more since writing the FAQ - and I already liked it when I wrote that - and although I don't remember saying anything but positive stuff about it in there I don't exactly have a clear recollection of writing a lot of the stuff I write; however, something being allowed to live, given how often I say things should die, is somewhat of an endorsement from me for future reference.

JBroll - I've been wondering for a while now how you've gained all your informative info on pedals and strings and everything involving those and everything else in between. Do you or did you work at a guitar shop or is it from caffeine, lack of sleep and a lot of searching the internet.

Just curious. Your vast knowledge is intriguing. :worship:
Caffeine and constant experimentation. I take things apart for amusement. Once you have a solid grasp of mathematics and physics the world just makes a lot more sense, and I started early (like 2 or 3) on real mathematics and physics so I've been at it a while.

My mom got a math degree from UT back when the wheel was being invented and I had access to amazing fucking books... but it's never too late to start, so get cracking on those Feynman Lectures on Physics, fuckers.

Steve Vai played an Ecstacy? Damn, that's news to me (I was never an expert on his rigs, but I wasn't oblivious either) - when was this?
I've been using an SD-1 in front of my 5150 exclusively...unity gain, tone around noon, drive between off and 8 o'clock, and it gets me what I want to hear (and 'feel') when I play. More so than all the other versions of that circuit. I'm not technical enough to know the differences in the circuits (808, TS-9, SD-1) other than what I've learned from JBroll, but the sound of the SD-1 works for me.