Boss TU-2 bypass


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011

I always recorded guitar/bass directly in the DI without anything but for the last recording, I had to ask the guy to unplug the guitar so much times to tune it that now I think I'll plug the guitar into the Boss TU-2 and use the bypass output so no need to unplug.

I tried this to test and have had no issue but I just wanted to know your opinion about how this affects the signal (noise, less gain or something, is it a REAL bypass?) I know some people here are very brilliant at 'technical' stuff, no need to get complex explanations tho.

I don't think the TU2 is a trus bypass pedal. Use your own ears though and listen to if you can hear a difference with and without the pedal. If you can't hear a difference then you're good to go.
If you're using a DI box rather than the Hi-z input on your interface you could just use the link output from the DI and hook that up to the tuner.
Listen to your DI's if you are doing DI's. I did this with a tuner for about a month and thought my pup's were just shit. I personally would just keep unplugging and tuning or maybe get the guitar resetup.