

Maidens' drums
Aug 2, 2002
Anyone here a boxing fan? Never heard anyone talk about it here, so I think not, but figured I'd throw it out there anyway. Just watched the De La Hoya/Bernard Hopkins fight. Wish I made a bet!!!!
Doodoobubbachuck said:
Anyone here a boxing fan? Never heard anyone talk about it here, so I think not, but figured I'd throw it out there anyway. Just watched the De La Hoya/Bernard Hopkins fight. Wish I made a bet!!!!

Was it pay per view? I'm a boxing fan. Betting in Vegas can be a difficult task because you have to bet in what round a boxer goes down for a nice payoff. I didn't really like watching The Golden Boy that much before, but after I met him a couple years ago I gained alot of respect from him because of his generosity. In a sport where alot of boxers run their mouths and act pompous and annoying, he never did. I heard De La Hoya got KOd by hits to the body, he must have taken a shot to the stomach. I never like seeing picture stills that news outlets give. I have cable, but I dropped HBO after Blockbuster Video came around, yet I know I'm missing good shows like the Sopranos. :Smug:
kalifguy said:
Was it pay per view? I'm a boxing fan. Betting in Vegas can be a difficult task because you have to bet in what round a boxer goes down for a nice payoff. I didn't really like watching The Golden Boy that much before, but after I met him a couple years ago I gained alot of respect from him because of his generosity. In a sport where alot of boxers run their mouths and act pompous and annoying, he never did. I heard De La Hoya got KOd by hits to the body, he must have taken a shot to the stomach. I never like seeing picture stills that news outlets give. I have cable, but I dropped HBO after Blockbuster Video came around, yet I know I'm missing good shows like the Sopranos. :Smug:
Ya, it was PPV. We like to make predictions before the fight starts and I called it Hopkins wins in round 9....but I thought it would be a TKO as opposed to Oscar really going down like that! Poor guy! He took a gnarly hit spot on to the liver that made it impossible for him to get up. Last time we were in Vegas Oscar was fighting and I won a real bet on that fight :D . Yay!Where did you meet him? I think I've seen Oscar fight almost as many times as I've seen Maiden! ;)
Doodoobubbachuck said:
Ya, it was PPV. We like to make predictions before the fight starts and I called it Hopkins wins in round 9....but I thought it would be a TKO as opposed to Oscar really going down like that! Poor guy! He took a gnarly hit spot on to the liver that made it impossible for him to get up. Last time we were in Vegas Oscar was fighting and I won a real bet on that fight :D . Yay!Where did you meet him? I think I've seen Oscar fight almost as many times as I've seen Maiden! ;)

You called the fight for Hopkins to win in the 9th??? Damn, next time you feel that way let me know, me and ya can become rich!! LOL :lol: I'm just kidding, but THAT was a GREAT prediction. I thought the fight was gonna go the distance with De La Hoya winning with a small margin, but Hopkins has defended his belt for a long long time, so it would have been wishful thinking for De La Hoya to win easily. A few years ago I was at the Montebello Town Center here in L.A. when me and my friend saw him leaving Marie Callendars with is girlfriend (now his wife) and mom. We approached him and he took the time to talk to us for a good ten minutes while his girlfriend came out of the ladies room, when she came out I'm not sure why we started talking about his fight with Rafael Ruelas, I think he was really happy to have won against a fellow countryman. Just as you see him on interviews thats his exact personality, he actually takes the time to talk to people, he's such a great guy. I salute him. I still have his autograph on a napkin. :D
I was HOPING he would win, but I think this middle weight class is just too powerful for him. His punches are not effecting the other fighters like they used to in the lower weight divisions. I doubt he would be able to knock any of them out, but would have to win by out boxing them and that's a long exausting fight against these natural middle weights! I figured Oscar usually ran out of gas around round 7 in these heavier weight fights in the past so he'd probably revamped his training and strategy for this fight to last longer, but at the end of the day the strength issue would probably take its toll, especially against Mr. Hopkins, who has held the title for 11 years already. (DAMN!!! That's a long run!!!!!) That's where round 9 came into mind. Oscar suprised everyone with how well he did last night! He stood his ground and fought face to face where everyone expected him to be driven around the ring. It's really great to hear he is a true champion outside of the ring and takes the time to be a human being to the public. That's cool you got to talk to him about the Ruelas fight. I bet he was all lit up about it. He is probably mobbed by young girls all the time who don't know much about fighting except he's the hottest fighter to come around in ages! LOLOL!!!! :D Thanks to him, many women are getting exposed to the sport of boxing. :worship: Hold on to that napkin! I think I'll go to Marie Callendar's today! J/K!!!!
Doodoobubbachuck said:
I was HOPING he would win, but I think this middle weight class is just too powerful for him. His punches are not effecting the other fighters like they used to in the lower weight divisions. I doubt he would be able to knock any of them out, but would have to win by out boxing them and that's a long exausting fight against these natural middle weights! I figured Oscar usually ran out of gas around round 7 in these heavier weight fights in the past so he'd probably revamped his training and strategy for this fight to last longer, but at the end of the day the strength issue would probably take its toll, especially against Mr. Hopkins, who has held the title for 11 years already. (DAMN!!! That's a long run!!!!!) That's where round 9 came into mind. Oscar suprised everyone with how well he did last night! He stood his ground and fought face to face where everyone expected him to be driven around the ring. It's really great to hear he is a true champion outside of the ring and takes the time to be a human being to the public. That's cool you got to talk to him about the Ruelas fight. I bet he was all lit up about it. He is probably mobbed by young girls all the time who don't know much about fighting except he's the hottest fighter to come around in ages! LOLOL!!!! :D Thanks to him, many women are getting exposed to the sport of boxing. :worship: Hold on to that napkin! I think I'll go to Marie Callendar's today! J/K!!!!

I couldn't agree with you more, it was all about him being in another weight class that probably took its toll. I was thinking that myself yesterday and you came up with the same conclusion. I'm sure in the future he probably wont be "experimenting" with other weight classes, he should just stick to the one he is natural with, though some fighters have found success jumping around classes. And yes, thanks to him, alot of women like him, even my mom who is 71 years of age!! :rolleyes: Hopefully I"ll get to catch his next fight somewhere on closed circuit tv or at a sports bar someplace. And yes Linda, I'll try not to wipe my mouth by accident with the napkin. :lol:
I have followed Oscar's career since the Olympics. He is a true champion. He isn't full of himself and he respresents his people well. I watched the fight and he was doing good! He was holding his own and thought for a second there that he was really going to have a chance. But you're right, this is not his weight class. He is a powerhouse in the lower division. Much luck to Oscar. Oh, by the way, has anyone seen his new show? It's great! ;)
No prob Nikki!!
Just wanted to say that I love the drums and you play with force girl!! Drums are the backbone to the music and let me tell you, you have one of the strongest spines around!! Keep pounding the skins for me!! :cool:

Much metal and magic!!
HEY NIKKI!! :wave:

I am so glad Oscar got his ass beat. My boxing trainer actually predicted that that would happen. Oscar really should just hang up his gloves, look pretty, and just follow his wife around while she attempts her singing career. Alrightie...
cycosuicide said:
I am so glad Oscar got his ass beat. My boxing trainer actually predicted that that would happen. Oscar really should just hang up his gloves, look pretty, and just follow his wife around while she attempts her singing career. Alrightie...
Blegh........c'mon, Fro. Give man a little more credit. I don't agree with his decision to move up so many divisions so fast cuz it really didn't make much sense, but whatever. It's his choice. I don't think he really has anywhere else to go now tho. He can't really go back down in weight cuz he'll have nobody to fight with the exception of Mosley, who has already beat him twice. He seems to have other things on his agenda now anyways like his reality series. We shall see. What ever happened to his singing career anyway? ;) He doesn't need to follow his wife's career around........but he can sure just sit there and look pretty! :p LOL!
cycosuicide said:
I am so glad Oscar got his ass beat. My boxing trainer actually predicted that that would happen. Oscar really should just hang up his gloves, look pretty, and just follow his wife around while she attempts her singing career. Alrightie...

I wasn't rooting for him to lose, though I knew it was going to be a difficult fight for him. He keeps the sport more interesting and fun to watch than if he wasn't there. Since Oscar is a proven winner we always expect a great fight from him even if he loses. His career has always generated alot of interest because he's managed to beat other champions such as Julio Cesar Chavez (JC was often referred to as the "true" peoples champion before Oscar arrived) time and time again, and maybe because of that people have envied him while coupled with his "pretty boy" good looks. De La Hoya doesn't lower his personal demeanor like other boxers and that makes him stick out, maybe to the point that some people wanna see him knocked out since its a "tough guy" sport. If he feels he can win in another weight class more power to him, he is obviously looking for a challenge in his life, and I don't think he is doing this for our enjoyment but for his own personal goal. We are just there for the ride. I don't think its time for him to hang it up just yet. I still need to catch his show as well. :cool:
Sorry to dust off such an old thread. Didn't realize there were some boxing fans around here.

Not too keen on it, but like every Filipino and their mother, I follow Manny Pacquiao. As a matter of fact, a couple of years ago, I went to Vegas to see him beat the crap out of Erick Morales. Since my dad's with the Philippine government, he scored really good tickets ($500 each!) and a room at the Wynn.

Here are the pics I took. Enjoy!








Word's out on the street that Manny's out to challenge De La Hoya. Can't wait to see that match.
Most of you here know I had a stint in a boxing boot camp course.I still want to continue(solely to lose weight & get in shape) but I have problems with my feet,shins,& calves.They're very tender and can't take all that bouncing around.

From the late 70's through the early 90's (about 15 years) I followed the sport of boxing religiously.I wrote a column in my High School paper about it,had a mammoth collection of Ring Magazine & Boxing Illustrateds.watched ESPN fights every week,HBO fights etc.I was a big fan of all the great fighters of the 80's,Sugar Ray Leonard,Larry Holmes,Marvin Hagler etc. I was a walking encyclopedia on boxing.I had a big reputation as "the boxing guy".

I think when Tuesday night fights on the USA Network got canceled around 1993, I stopped keeping up and completely lost interest.I totally out grew it.My recent stint at the boxing gym had nothing to do with my past obsession as a fight fan.I never wanted to be a fighter I just enjoyed watching it.I took the boot camp course for health & fitness reasons.

It's a long complex story of why I was teh way I was,but today I'm more passionate about Metal(I always have been)Not to mention it's way more fun!
Wow, a surprise appearance by FRO. Chime in more often!

I not only missed the match, I didn't even know it was going on! Shesh, that suckie. Well, not a huge follower, but I do enjoy watching them. Linda, next fight put two dollars in for me on your pick!!! :loco:
December 6, 2008 will be the night the Golden Boy gets his ass handed to him by the Pacman.

[ame=]Oscar De La Hoya vs. Manny Pacquiao[/ame]

[ame=]Manny Pacquiao's Greatest Hits[/ame]