hehe, my relationship with my ex was terrible...
since it was my first I was quite inexperianced.
She was sorta obsessed with me it seems, she never gave me any freedom whatsoever... it was quite scary actually.
We are on the same school, and she always wanted to hold hands and stuff, and if had to go to the toilets she would wait outside

ill: ) complaining to my friends I stayed away too long....
and more stuff like that...
she also agreed with ánything I said...
no communication... and she took everything far too serious... (I think she wanted to marry me in the future:zombie: )
come on, I just want someone cool to hang around with and to talk and discuss with and stuff, but nooo
so I ended it all (after a month, yeah it was short

) before she would imagine herself even more happyness. and the longer I would have stayed the more damage I would do to myself (since I wasn't attracted to her at all in the end, knowing how she really was...) and her.
btw, that 'relationship' and its consequences were luckely far less serious than stuff I read here...
hehe, perhaps my time will come too....