
Don't worry Britain, aug will still travel there and spend money on theatre, beer, fish n chips and whores
The UK did alright before they joined the EU. It'll hurt for a while but you all will be fine.

At least it'll be cheap to have stuff shipped from the UK for a bit
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Not the result I was hoping for but on the plus side, once your economy tanks and Scotland and Ireland secede you'll be a marginalized rump state that no one gives a shit about and your EU membership-or-not will become a complete non-issue.
Not the result I was hoping for but on the plus side, once your economy tanks and Scotland and Ireland secede you'll be a marginalized rump state that no one gives a shit about and your EU membership-or-not will become a complete non-issue.

Interesting to see if this will finally unite Ireland

Looks like Netherlands, Italy and France are all following suit.
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Not the result I was hoping for but on the plus side, once your economy tanks and Scotland and Ireland secede you'll be a marginalized rump state that no one gives a shit about and your EU membership-or-not will become a complete non-issue.

Wishful thinking in the extreme.
Maybe productivity will jump with a newly found spirit of "national determination". Seems like most do not recognize the weight of bureaucracy until after it's lifted.
the leave campaign was just like "THE EU IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL YOUR PROBLEMS IMMIGRATION IMMIGRATION IMMIGRATION" and the remain campaign was like "ummm it's a little more subtle than that, you see <a bunch of complicated shit nobody understands or cares about>", so it's not surprising leave won. labour are absolutely fucking useless since the financial crash, they have no leadership or ability to sell anything to the public, and it's the votes in their areas that made all the difference.

personally i think it's the people who voted leave who will actually potentially suffer the most from this and if so it'll be funny watching them lay in the bed they've shat in, but ehh maybe i'm wrong. i'd be more optimistic if i wasn't aware of which government figures stand to gain power from all this and how incredibly cunty and self-serving the lot of them are. i'm not one of these bleeding heart types who loves the EU for vague idealistic reasons but i do think britain is so unbelievably incompetent and corrupt and misguided that the idea of it trying to run itself right now is hilarious. maybe it'll be better long term though.
So you think the EU wasn't full of cunty and self-serving politicians? You've simply shaved a layer of filth off.

Your characterization of the Leave vs Stay campaign shows why if one wants to win in a democracy, you have to ditch being subtle and nuanced. There's at least one book on this. And then there's Trump.
Scotland and Northern Ireland will be the rumps no one cares about. Most of the Economy is basically Southern England. It's also the vast majority of the population of the British Isles.
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One of the main reasons I think leave won is also because the general remain voters and advocates basically just spewed a bunch of "Brexiters are racists" tosh and that doesn't really work on people anymore and better yet when people imply you're a horrible person just for holding perfectly reasonable political views it tends to make you think that maybe you're onto something, for better or worse.
i spent my teenage years spewing all kinds of extreme and offensive rhetoric pretty much solely because of how unbearable most liberals are, even when they're right.