
I was a militant atheist feminist social justice warrior up until maybe a year or two years ago. Time blurs so much, I forget exactly when. Every now and then facebook hits me with one of those memory posts and I cringe so hard at myself.
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Brits should be glad Merkel and Juncker will soon be off their backs. Absolute filth.
Apart from Cornwall EU funding this is a great thing for England. EU funding was massive for what they deemed as a poverty state. lve always believed it was time for this country to stand on its own and become a true independent nation...about time
I wonder if this will result in a Scottish secession from the UK pretty soon. Unlike England, Scotland has benefited a whole lot from the EU through grants for healthcare and various other social services.
Any sort of funding the EU sent to the UK, the UK can fund themselves. They gave the EU more than they got back!
Well in any given arrangement like that one party get screwed. Unlike free trade which benefits both parties (otherwise the trade would not occur) It's best to simply not enter into it. IMO the only international arrangement should be the UN only in it's most basic form of non-aggression pact IE "if anyone starts military action, we all shit on you." thus promoting peace via even greater military reprisal.
Fun fact of the day: half of all UK exports go to the EU, only 7% of EU exports go to the UK, and the EU has every incentive to punish the UK in order to keep other countries from leaving. Enjoy your recession, Brits.
Recession is worth it in my opinion. Sovereignty is something that is worth it.

Something about mad max

Actually on a serious note it wasn't Mad Max, one of the cringe posts of mine that popped up was me talking about how Fury Road was a brilliant analogy of patriarchy. Ugh. I still love Furiosa though, best character created in a decade or so.

what changed your mind? did you find jesus

Discovering Karen Straughan's youtube channel and a bit before that a growing cynicism about my ideological allies and the shit they were saying which left me receptive to her content.

"I'm not the most informed on the whole thing but at the same time I think we were better off to stay in than going out completely unknown"

This quote pretty much sums up the thoughts of stupid people across the West.
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i went the other way 'cause i started out reading (who themselves started as lefties, incidentally) when i got into metal and then went through a liberal phase when i broadened my horizons and now i'm just generally apathetic and/or misanthropic, which happens to be exactly where i started. here's to progress!
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Well by saying:

I was a militant atheist feminist social justice warrior up until maybe a year or two years ago. Time blurs so much, I forget exactly when. Every now and then facebook hits me with one of those memory posts and I cringe so hard at myself.

I didn't necessarily mean I'm now on the right or that I think the early women's movement was unnecessary.

I think of myself as an independent libertarian, I am a member of the Australian LP for whatever that's worth. Not much lets be honest, they have no chance of gaining power here. People here view those that have libertarian values as some kind of horrid monster.

But anyway, neither left nor right. Balanced in my opinion if I can compliment myself.