
The UK should haul ass out of there already, 2 years of negotiations sounds painful, dragging their feet is not gonna help
I think it would be borderline impossible to just leave overnight because there are all kinds of interconnected things and arrangements and it would cause so many political dramas.
Well during that whole time the liberal media run by the establishment will try to scare people into not doing it, and the EU might pull some dirty tricks as well
Most people are actually super angry over here at the leave vote. They broke the government servers trying to sign this:
I know it's bad for business for my trade friends as we needed the free movement across the EU. They are quite annoyed too, to be honest I hardly see people being happy about voting leave apart from the racists who think it'll stop immigrants.

My friend said he works with some foreigners and all this has actually got them really scared. :(
Legal immigrants who have a job will not be deported, tell your friends to relax lol
Yeah I know, but it's like a lot of them don't know this so it's gotten a lot of people scared is what I mean. Especially after the dirty Tories saying people who are not from here have to earn 35k to settle. That caused quite the uproar.

I imagine there will be plenty of marches and protesting to come, although I hope not riots again last time some little shit bricked my window when all that kicked off. ¬_¬
Recession is worth it in my opinion. Sovereignty is something that is worth it..

Leaving the EU may give UK citizens more influence over their government, but if it reduces the UK's influence on the world stage, how do you know UK citizens will really have more freedom overall?
Since a majority voted to leave, how are most people angry about leaving?

Because most of the voters were racist bigots conned into thinking that it would stop immigration but it won't even do that much. That's why they want a second referendum because a lot of people already changed their minds after seeing the impact of what happened to the markets and businesses. The idiots didn't expect everything to go up in price I guess.
Plus I see a lot of "old people shouldn't even be voting for a future they won't be around to see" I also see a lot of "when you retire you should retire from voting too". My facebook is kind of like a giant politics hate machine at the minute. Plus you have the 2 million people who signed that petition I guess.

The voting statistics were younger people voting to stay and old people in retirement age out-voting them to leave, but since this is the UK majority of old people are super racist stuck in their ways fearing foreigners. It's just a giant shit show over here at the moment.


This goes around SO much.
Lol, day 1 market turmoil and people want to back out? That's dumber than remaining in the EU.

Crying racist over and over about the Leave vote isn't an argument for staying. Short term market turmoil isn't a reason for staying. Uninformed, no show young people wanting to not be bothered with responsibility and change and then angry when someone else takes charge is typical. Claiming to love democracy until the result isn't desired is typical. Maybe Scotland will split, join the EU, and then the Remainers can go there.
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Lol, day 1 market turmoil and people want to back out? That's dumber than remaining in the EU.

Crying racist over and over about the Leave vote isn't an argument for staying. Short term market turmoil isn't a reason for staying. Uninformed, no show young people wanting to not be bothered with responsibility and change and then angry when someone else takes charge is typical. Claiming to love democracy until the result isn't desired is typical. Maybe Scotland will split, join the EU, and then the Remainers can go there.

I'm not really that bothered but that's what's going on right now, majority is just blaming on the racists and old people.
I didn't even vote lol. Myself personally though I'm really not bothered what happens to this awful country. I'm moving as soon as I have enough cash. The common "English people so polite" thing is total bollocks. This country is fucking awful for quality of life lol. Good pubs but they're even shutting those down now.

As for Scotland, I would imagine a lot of the remain voters would move up there but Scotland is having an identity crisis again and the SNP want an independence vote again so it probably will happen, Nicola Sturgeon has said EU people are welcome in Scotland as they are valued so it's very likely the Scots will stay in the EU.
Reduced sovereignty for practically no benefit other than ease of trade relations - trade relations which can be arranged separately.

And have you observed any specific, tangible consequence of that reduced sovereignty for the UK?

As far as benefits, membership in the EU allowed the UK to establish London as Europe's main hub for financial services, a huge economic benefit which will probably be greatly reduced and possibly disappear altogether. Evidence of that can be seen in the massive selloff in UK bank stocks this Friday.
there do seem to be a lot of 'leave' voters exclaiming how they didn't realise what they'd done until after and they wish they could vote again, but that's inevitable. there was no content to virtually all of the debates about this, i'd say a good 95% of voters didn't have a clue what they were voting for, it was just "fuck the man" or "no more immigrants" on one side and "better the devil you know" or "fuck the racists" on the other.
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And have you observed any specific, tangible consequence of that reduced sovereignty for the UK?

Reduced sovereignty is a tangible consequence in itself. From a financial perspective: Government data shows a consistent net contribution from the UK to the EU to the tune of billions a year. While it is possible that some of that comes back in the form of business, the UK has actually been running a trade deficit with the EU for some time. Furthermore, it is likely most of any business "benefit" was sequestered within London. While one could argue that theoretically cheaper goods coming from the EU is another benefit, it's impossible to say at this point whether or not the UK could have similar prices while outside the EU.

As far as benefits, membership in the EU allowed the UK to establish London as Europe's main hub for financial services, a huge economic benefit which will probably be greatly reduced and possibly disappear altogether. Evidence of that can be seen in the massive selloff in UK bank stocks this Friday.

Won't someone ever think of the poor bankers? :rolleyes: London was a financial hub prior to the EU. It is not impossible that it remains one.
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