Brisbane review (w/ photos)

What the hell is wrong with Pat Cash wearing a green shirt to Maiden? What rule states you have to wear a maiden shirt to a maiden gig. Hell I wore a white t shirt and boardies to the brisbane show. Dressing up metal proves fuck all. I still sung along with every word. Does this make me or patty less of a fan just cause we didnt wear the bands shirt to the show. Hell no. If you want to wear a maiden shirt to a gig good on you, but bagging out someone for not wearing one is lame and childish.


This is in my opinion!!!
you wear the shirt out of respect for the band your about to rock with, maybe just maybe he thought if I wear a light green shirt people will notice and say, OH look its Pat wots his face cash, who gives a fuck if it was Pat Cash or pat the fucking postman, we didn't go there to see him we were there for Maiden. In my opinion 99% of the fans had a Metal shirt on and 85 maybe 90% had a Maiden shirt on.

I mean I wouldn't dress up in a Maiden shirt to watch a tennis match it would have to be something to do with tennis or some type of casual wear just out of respect for the game.
maiden1: i can see your point; I think it's weird seeing someone go to a gig wearing a polo shirt or something; but I don't think it's disrespect for the band or the proceedings. There's a rock/metal pub here in London which, for a time, had a dress policy of band-shirts only - ie, no collared shirts, which is a bit of a shitter if you're going for a drink from work :)

So, all I can say is don't worry what other people do - it's all in the name of the Maiden :kickass: