British Comedy... rather troubling, really.


Jan 26, 2003
Boston, U.S.
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It differs from American comedy in that it's actually sometimes funny.

Why, though, do the Brits persist in putting only their ugliest actors on the telly? When I saw pretty birds on 'Coupling' I figured they had to be Australians posing as Brits. English people tend to be slightly deformed, what does probably strengthen their cause, if comics they be.

The Brits do have a worrisome tendency to find people tripping and the like a bit too amusing. My brother finds the notion that there are people who actually find this sort of thing amusing more amusing than the shows themselves.

Granted, we in the U.S. get all the shows you'd consider rejects in England- Are You Being Served?, Men Behaving Badly, Keeping Up Appearances, Waiting For God, Allo Allo, etc. I steadfastly maintain, however, that One Foot In The Grave is fucking hilarious. I want to be just like Victor Meldrew when I'm 75.

John Cleese as a goose-stepping stick-insect-legged Nazi is a moment without parallel.

I am content. I now have BBC America, and get to watch all of your 3rd rate comedies, all day long. I think I may even stay home from work tomorrow to watch that show where some middle-aged people go to some poor prat's residence and spruce it up. "Eeeya! My semi-detached is in need of a GAR-age reconfiguration. Them blokes wot's on the dole can cobble me a new pah-ee-oh." Actual dialogue, I think. Now, I realize that a Yank is in no position to poke fun at regional English accents-- it is the ENGLISH language, after all-- but why in the fuck don't the Cocknets pronounce the letter T when it's in the middle of a word.
Patio-- 'Pa-tee-oh', not 'Pah-ee-oh'.
Then I'll watch 'Monarch of the Glen.' The Scots can do Scotch, but can they do drama?
Allready mentioned Coupling is dead funny. That Sarah Alexander (?) was also in a few sketches of Smack the Pony, hilarious show a little in the vain of Big Train (best of the best, great stuff!).
I think it great the way the lad odet called em THE cockneys, like they're some lost tribe of indians :lol:

Steptoe and son, watch it and everything, everywhere makes sense. rising damp, another classic

Also phoenix nights is a modern classic. You' ll probably have to wait ten years to get that in Yankland.
Oded said:
Why, though, do the Brits persist in putting only their ugliest actors on the telly?
and why do the americans put all these baywatch-like babes, whose appearence has nothing to do with most "common" women, playing in every tv show when they don't have a clue about acting? and why does every male actor have to be tall and handsome? at least the brits (and all europeans) care about the acting a bit i think...
I'm not defending American actors. Most of them, frankly, can't act.
That said, I prefer to look at attractive people than unattractive people. Don't you?
yes, but not if they can't act. and it's quite disturbing not giving very talented people roles in films/tv shows just cos they won't look nice. they are creating a culture where, especially girls, must look great to be accepted by the public. and you see all them women saying "i'm fat, i'm ugly, i'm this, i'm that" just cos they don't look like supermodels. it's sick.