A poll, if you please. As we get more forums, the front page list continues to grow. Do you think it's too long now, or is not a problem? Or do you LIKE it?
It'd be cool to see only the forums one has subscribed to on the TOP of the list (or a setting in the options/preferences where you could tick the ones you want to see listed first).
If not possible, then keeping it the way it is now is just as cool!
I like it the way it is, personally - I tend to just stick in the GMD and UM Staff forums anyway, but occasionally I'll dip in and check other ones out. So my forum subscription list would probably end up being jsut as big as the original!
I think that the structure of the listing is very good and well designed, since it gives one the chance to have a quick glance at all forums, rather than constraining one to what he might choose.
Originally posted by godisanathiest I did like it when u could see who had last posted tho. It meant u could just look at the front page to c if ne1 had replied rather than going in...