Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Septycal Gorge, Cenotaph (Tur), Ancient Necropsy, Kronos, Deeds of Flesh, Intestinal Strangulation, Malignancy, Inherit Disease
Cool. I've heard (and like) some of those, and I'll check out the ones I haven't. The new Cronos and Malignancy albums are killer. That Internal Suffering band you recommended in another thread is awesome. You can't get much faster than that.
Cool. Pretty much every Colombian BDM band is good so it's worth delving into the scene. From your description I bet you would like Unique Leader releases, as long as you steer clear from the boring ones. UL is very quality when it comes to production and packaging.

Also another band you may like is Insidious Decrepancy
Fuck off Alter, Torture Of Decimation is fucking KILLER!

Also...yes...fuck...Fetal Mutilation. Jesus...Christ. It deserves the insane amount of ellipses I made in that blog post...seriously...

EDIT: Just to spite Alter, I just bought that fucking CD! How you like them apples...!?

Haha how could you like them. The brees are just really bad.
I've actually only heard one song off it from their myspace. If you want catchy slam check out Carnivore Diprosopus. They get stuck in my head all the time. If you want some slam that breaks out of the box and has a lot of interesting parts check out Infernal Revulsion's new CD. It's excellent
Carnivore Diprosopus are pretty good; I wish the two albums I have could have had some better mixing

ex: The vocal volume on the Madhouse's Macabre Acts full-length are too damn low for my tastes. Also, the first album (Filled my Stomach...) The vocals are pretty high in the mix (I like), but are also pretty bland; the drums are also much higher than the guitars, which leads to me getting pissed off after a short amount of time (sounds like he's beating an empty coffee can).

Now Playing: The Monolith Deathcult
next in que: Lymphatic Phlegm & Insision :kickass:
Lymphatic Phlegm is easily the best and most talented goregrind band fucking EVER! Check out the fuckin' riffs!

Sexcrement were stopping by the studio I intern for (my college radio station has a great death metal show :)) to do an interview...pretty cool guys. Pity about the really dumb themes.
They used to put out a ton of great stuff. Here is a list of awesome things they've done (only things listed in M-A, by the way):

Birdflesh - Night of the Ultimate Mosh
Blood Freak - Sleaze Merchants
Catasexual Urge Motivation - The Encyclopedia Of Serial Murders
Catasexual Urge Motivation - Nekronicle
Crypticus - Dedicated To The Impure
Engorged - Where Monsters Dwell (if only for "Architeuthis" which has the most epic riff ever!)
Fuck...I'm Dead - Bring On The Dead
Ghoul - Maniaxe (if only for "Ghoul Hunter"!)
Haemorrhage/Impaled Dementia Rex split
Lord Gore - The Autophagous Orgy
WTN - Rotting In Pestilence
They used to put out a ton of great stuff. Here is a list of awesome things they've done (only things listed in M-A, by the way):

Birdflesh - Night of the Ultimate Mosh
Blood Freak - Sleaze Merchants
Catasexual Urge Motivation - The Encyclopedia Of Serial Murders
Catasexual Urge Motivation - Nekronicle
Crypticus - Dedicated To The Impure
Engorged - Where Monsters Dwell (if only for "Architeuthis" which has the most epic riff ever!)
Fuck...I'm Dead - Bring On The Dead
Ghoul - Maniaxe (if only for "Ghoul Hunter"!)
Haemorrhage/Impaled Dementia Rex split
Lord Gore - The Autophagous Orgy
WTN - Rotting In Pestilence

I am going to pick up a lord gore record.
What do you guys prefer, original Brutal Death or Grindcore?
I have to say Brutal Death, sounds much better for me.