Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Brutal death metal and grindcore share almost no similarities...however, the combination of both (most people call this goregrind, though in some cases it is more well known as "deathgrind") is usually good fun (and can sometimes be amazing conceptually and musically).
From what I noticed, brutal death and grindcore both have frequent basting and slam riffs. But the similarities end there. Maybe I'm wrong, as I don't listen to much grind at all. I noticed that Spain in particular have some good goregrind bands, such as Machetazo and Haemorrhage.
Grind never utilizes slam riffs. Listen to Repulsion, Terrorizer, Assuck, etc. Goregrind is NOT grind(core). They are different genres entirely.
Hmm. I just mentioned the slam bit because early Napalm Death and early Carcass do utilize slam riffs. But maybe that is not typical grind, for all I know. As I said, I've hardly listened to any grind at all.
IMO goregrind is not only lyrically different from grindcore, but musically as well. Goregrind definitely has more death metal influence than grindcore does. Sometimes goregrind even sounds like minimalistic, raw death metal.
Why? It's the name of a distinctive and legitimate genre often with gore and grind themes.

I think the band is either death metal or grindcore. The term goregrind or deathgrind isn't necessary unless you like to nitpick. What I think is even more retarded is that some bands that don't even have lyrics about gore are labeled "goregrind". That doesn't make any fucking sense.
I'm really looking forward to Abominable Putridity's debut full length, which will be out in November. The tracks on their Myspace rank amongst the finest I've ever heard within the brutal/slam death genre.

Glossectomy's a pretty damn kool slam death band, check 'em out yo.

The new Severe Torture was boring, as expected. "Feasting On Blood" = excellent. "Misanthropic Carnage" = one of the best death metal albums ever, pure awesomeness. "Fall Of The Despised" = really boring, uninspired death metal with some thrashy/Dew Scented-ish elements thrown into the mix, an enormous letdown in my book. "Sworn Vengeance" sounds like a continuation of "Fall Of The Despised", sadly. Too sterile sounding, and too clinical. Some cool riffs here and there, and one of the songs sounds like "Blinded I Slaughter" at the beginning, but this doesn't even come close to the masterpiece that is "Misanthropic Carnage".
I can not believe I am into brutal/slam metal. I always thought it was for cretains. So could someone do me a favor a give me a list of MUST HAVE ALBUMS. I going to make a trip to Metal Haven and buy some new shit.
Yeah man, slam and brutal death just have a way of getting into your head and going "YOU FUCKING LIKE THIS"...I think it's because they are primitive, and the caveman in you wants to be unleashed!!

I'm too lazy to make a must have list right now, though...
Yeah man, slam and brutal death just have a way of getting into your head and going "YOU FUCKING LIKE THIS"...I think it's because they are primitive, and the caveman in you wants to be unleashed!!

I'm too lazy to make a must have list right now, though...


I just dont want to go in their and pick some band called "Bloody Assfuck' and it turns out to be total shit.