Brutal/Slam Death Metal

I saw Impending Doom and White Chapel last night. I think I would consider both of them, as well as some of the local bands, as slam death (although ID are also considering themselves goregrind). Basically brutal DM with breakdowns about every song, and maybe them bassdrop things. The two headliners and one of the local bands were all tight and sounded pretty good. The best vocalist was probably from a local band (I don't know who they are, but I will find out). He had a barrage of style from gutteral to piggy, including some inhale stuff.

There was a reletively small turnout (Sunday night, no real headlining act). Maybe 100-150 at the most. But there were a bunch of those hardcore dancing type of kids out there swinging their arms around and all that. I stayed away from that stuff. That's dangerous. I like a slam or circular pit ok, but I have always hated that stuff.

I got an Impending Doom CD.
Both those bands are deathcore, and they're both not bad/pretty good. Impending Doom are seriously not even close to goregrind, that's insulting.

Cool to see you went though!
Both those bands are deathcore, and they're both not bad/pretty good. Impending Doom are seriously not even close to goregrind, that's insulting.

Cool to see you went though!

I thought they claimed that, but I could be wrong. So deathcore, and not slam death, eh? I would have said deathcore before hearing about slam death. Guess I am still cornfused about slam death.
The difference is rather subtle, but slam death has very little to no hardcore influences. The breakdowns are structured in a purely death metal way. The vocals are usually more guttural and have less "rees" or hardcore yells. Compare a deathcore band to a current slam band like this: Down From the Wound
No that is not my band. The guy in my sig is Wayne Knupp, legendary original vocalist of Devourment, who died recently due to the effects of alcohol abuse. He was one of my favorite musicians and a very nice guy, so his death hit me hard. He was also a tireless supporter of the Brutal Death Metal scene, so his loss has hit the entire scene very hard. Without him, it is likely that amazing bands like Down From the Wound would not exist.
Speaking of DFTW, their album drops quite soon, and Slam-Minded (me and Nick's blog) will have a special interview with them and review of their new album, Agony Through Rituals Of Self-Purification, shortly.
It's possible although I'm not a huge fan. I don't know about V5 but I was turned off by Henrik Main's appraisal of it, and coming from a band I was rather indifferent about before, I doubt I'll pick it up over the numerous other quality releases coming out soon*.

*I should have a post soon about two more announced releases that have made me happy.
I dunno about reviewing the new Severe Torture. They don't really need our help, they're already fairly big as is. I am also not the biggest fan, some stuff is pretty good though.

Anyway, we should have enough stuff to keep our small yet growing legion of fans busy...interview with Norway(?!!!)'s Hideous Deformity, the aforementioned DFTW review/interview double-feature, possibly some reviews of new Mutilated Records stuff since he is probably gonna send us some kind of promo pack or something (so he said anyway!)...I might review the new Human Rejection soon, since I just got the actual disc in the brutal...on my second listen tonight!

Hey V5 have those lyrics yet? I cant wait for them...

Busy with uni shit right now...I'll get around to it.

(Notice how I say that yet still have time to dick around on here...fuck, I'm a bastard!)
Speaking of DFTW, their album drops quite soon, and Slam-Minded (me and Nick's blog) will have a special interview with them and review of their new album, Agony Through Rituals Of Self-Purification, shortly.

Oh Hey, you'll be interviewing DFTW? Cool! I'm glad that Filipino Metal bands are getting recognized internationally also and DFTW is one of the best!

I'll be waiting for their album launch here and that'll be the time I'm gonna get their CD...

Anyways... I like Human Rejection too...