Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Yeah, Filipino BDM is great. Human Mastication, Down From the Wound, Fetal Mutilation and Pus Vomit are all great bands.

Yeah all great bands! Haven't heard Fetal Mutilation though... Will check them also...Check out Phlegm Thrower also...

@ Alter

well, I kinda like Torture Of Decimation... anyways, it's just me...

I do fully agree with Deeds of Flesh!!! awesome as well...
Early DOF (except Trading Pieces, which is still OK but not quite on the level of the excellent Path Of The Weakening) is really fucking kickass stuff. Lots of thought put into the structures and nuances of those albums. Usually some cool lyrics too.

And Goretrade song, motherfucking hell. They really know how to play brutal death metal. Highly recommended.
Shit, didn't the California death fest happen in September? I wanted to go but I thought I missed it :(
I enjoyed this genre alot a few years ago. I still like some of the newer stuff... Condemned, that latest Guttural Secrete.. etc. Shit like Glossectomy is really bad.
I thought it was the 15th! I thought I missed it anyway! YOU DON'T THINK I FEEL LIKE SHIT!?!?!?
I enjoyed this genre alot a few years ago. I still like some of the newer stuff... Condemned, that latest Guttural Secrete.. etc. Shit like Glossectomy is really bad.


Holy fuck man! Welcome back!!

(Andy/Worm-Infested/Visceralpulse, by the way)