Brutal/Slam Death Metal



Plasmoptysis - 2010 - Breeds Of The Malevolence
Extreme Souls Productions (Available @ Sevared Records)

Crushing Debut Full Length CD of Brutal Fucking Death Metal from Indonesia.


Pathology Announce New Members, Enters Studio Today For Their Most Brutal Record to Date

Recently signed to Victory Records, San Diego’s Pathology will enter Doubletime Studios today to record their label debut. The band feels very comfortable there with producer/engineer Jeff Forrest, having worked together on the group’s previous recordings. Doubletime has been going for 20 years and has a great and diverse client list including As I Lay Dying, Atreyu and Bleeding Through. Upon completion of the tracks, the album will be mixed in March by Hate Eternal guitarist Erik Rutan at his Mana Studios (Cannibal Corpse, Vital Remains) for an anticipated early summer release.

“We are excited to be working with such a death metal legend,” expresses drummer Dave Astor. “We are confident that Erik will help bring us to the next level of brutality!”

In addition, the band have more news as they have undergone a line-up change with the new album with returning vocalist Matti Way and the addition of second guitarist Diego Sanchez (both ex-Disgorge) joining drummer Dave Astor and guitarist Tim Tiszczenko. The band will be adding a bassist to become a 5-piece when touring commences in May.

“We are very excited to be bringing Matti Way back,” states Astor. “We feel Matti is the voice of Pathology, and it would not be the same without him.”

In the meantime the band wants to close with this - “We’re prepared to lay down the new Pathology and it’s our most brutal and heaviest to date,” promises drummer Dave Astor. “We are stoked to show our fans what we have been working on.”

This really is great news... Matti is an awesome vocalist. Age Of Onset was badass with him, and now adding Diego to the mix is killer!

Definitely going to be one of the most anticipated releases of the year,
Malice you going to hook me up with that album or what?:Smug:

That album cover of Plasmoptysis looks fucking AMAZING! makes me want to listen to the music more.:oops:
sigh discussing linksharing in this it in private or fucking use Google. So pathetic. Better yet buy or pre-order the fucking albums. Slam is one of those things I usually don't condone downloading of, it feels totally wrong :p
sigh discussing linksharing in this it in private or fucking use Google. So pathetic. Better yet buy or pre-order the fucking albums. Slam is one of those things I usually don't condone downloading of, it feels totally wrong :p

I bought over 50 slam albums in 2009. I'm doing my part. And I downloaded 90% of those to preview before I bought them.

Agreed V. Search whatever album you want in google with .rar at the end, or .tor if you torrent.

Noob ways of acquiring music.