Brutal/Slam Death Metal


great art
Bought some older albums yesterday....

Saprogenic - The Wet Sound of Flesh ~ $4
Blaze Inside - Pure Potenciality ~ $5
Malodorous - Amarnthine Redolence ~ $5

from cmdistro. I'd recommend anyone that doesnt own these albums that has a little money to waste pick them up for that cheap.
Anybody know other brutal slam death bands that havent been mentioned yet in this thread? I feel like hunting for new ones...

Part 2
Some of these may have been mentioned. All Brutal, but some may not be slammy.

Purulent Infection - 2007 - Exhuming The Putrescent
Playing With Guts Of Torso - 2008 - Playing With Guts Of Torso (Demo)
The Sickening - 2009 - Death Devastation Decay
Thrist Of Revenge - 2010 - The Beginning Of The End
Soaking In Entrails - 2007 - Perpetual Human Atrocities (Demo)
Soaking In Entrails - 2007 - Slamseason Split
Ulceration - 2004 - Submerged In Gluttony EP
Leptotrichia - 2002 - Enjoy The Slaughter (Demo)
Grotesque Impalement - 2008 - Redeemed By Consumption EP
Fumes Of Decay - 2009 - Festering Abscess Fornication (Demo)
Disfigured - 1999 - Prelude To Dementia EP
Dislimb - 2006 - Bleeding Anxiety (Best Of Compilation)
Menstrual Divider - 2009 - Oral Exhaustion EP
Stench Of Dismemberment - 2005 - Cannibalistic Urge EP
Grotesque Formation - 2006 - Basement Decompositions
Anyone heard of the bands Medic Vomiting Pus, Cunt Smash, and/or Delusional Parasitosis? Just curious if I'm the only one hearing these bands for the first time as I look through this dudes list on youtube of brutal death bands....

Fucking arse kicking, genital blasting, brain bashing, skull cracking, brutally smashing slamming death! .... kittens!
Anyone heard of the bands Medic Vomiting Pus, Cunt Smash, and/or Delusional Parasitosis? Just curious if I'm the only one hearing these bands for the first time as I look through this dudes list on youtube of brutal death bands....

Fucking arse kicking, genital blasting, brain bashing, skull cracking, brutally smashing slamming death! .... kittens!

Have not heard of those bands yet. I'll give em' a listen later tonight and tell you what I think. :)
I listened to the new Vulvectomy and enjoyed it. There were no tracks that really stood above the others, but all were pretty good. Only complaint is that the tracks seemed to sound very similar, although I still enjoyed them. It is just a little better done, but I'd still take their debut over this though.
I listened to the new Vulvectomy and enjoyed it. There were no tracks that really stood above the others, but all were pretty good. Only complaint is that the tracks seemed to sound very similar, although I still enjoyed them. It is just a little better done, but I'd still take their debut over this though.

The songs on the debut sound even more alike than this album.

Medic Vomiting Pus was pretty sweet.

Found another band while I was looking at those myspaces..

Human Parasite

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I've been waiting a long time, but I finally ordered infertile surrogacy, plus one of their cool looking shirts.
I'll check out blaze inside later tonight
I listened to Despondency's "God on Acid" and it was one of the worst slam album's I've ever heard. The guitar felt like it was everywhere and didn't feel good at all. vocals really weak too.

Fucking blasphemy, get the fuck out of this thread.

"God On Acid" = pure nihilistic slam death metal, the soundtrack to the extinction of the human race. CHEESINESS INTENDED, BUT DUDES, IT ACTUALLY KINDA SOUNDS LIKE THAT.

The slams in "Womb Of Shit", "Fucked" and the title track rate amongst the finest in the genre. The slow as fuck slam riffs over the fast blast beats make my ears orgasm, like, really hard. If you don't dig "A Mouthful Of God's Flesh", chances are that you're a poseur and need to leave the hall IMMEDIATELY.

I can't fathom why more people don't grasp the genius of this album whilst sucking the cock of cookie cutter, run of the mill bands like Digested Flesh and fuckin' Vomit Remnants (good bands, but they cannot touch the German masters of apocalyptic slam). I mean, seriously, listen to "Womb Of Shit", 01:22-01:49 to be more precise. I love how the kick drums accentuate the slams and how Dirk throws in some tasteful rhythms and quick blasts here and there. This, gentlemen, is a "SLAM" that deserves a rating of about 9.5/10.

I'm also curious as to why fans of brutal slam DEFF METAL don't enjoy the riff in "Fucked" that starts at 02:26 and ends at 02:39 (repeated several times throughout the song). This riff, song, and hell, the album in general, conjures up images of human beings resigned to their demise in a world that is spiralling towards an inevitable collapse culminating in warfare and genocide. AM I READING TOO MUCH INTO AN ALBUM THAT SOUNDS PRETTY STRAIGHTFORWARD? Fuck no. "God On Acid" is a genius album that the great unwashed of slam death just don't understand.

