Brutal/Slam Death Metal

OK this I like! Thank you sir for bringing this to my attention. Haven't had a chance to check out the new Dying Fetus, but I really need to get my ass in gear and get around to that.

Try Diphenylcholoarise - Post Apocalyptic Human Annihilation

A little long but fuck.
Is this thread finally dead? Was reading back over old posts from a while back and it's making me ache for good BDM discussion again. Fuck. What have you guys been playing lately? I got both Human Excoriation full lengths recently and the new one kicks a lot of ass. Playing Deeds of Flesh's Reduced to Ashes in the car currently.
Is this thread finally dead? Was reading back over old posts from a while back and it's making me ache for good BDM discussion again. Fuck. What have you guys been playing lately? I got both Human Excoriation full lengths recently and the new one kicks a lot of ass. Playing Deeds of Flesh's Reduced to Ashes in the car currently.

I need to go on a BDM haul at some point soon. I've been broke for about 2 months and have only been able to buy CDs, like, 2 at a time at the record store. So much stuff I want, man. It's all cyclical. My goal is to get everything released on NSE at some point.
A little bit of everywhere, really. Lately I've been getting a few from Discogs of course but beyond that, I just look for whoever has good deals going on. Some decent labels/distros:

Redrum Records (Will Rahmer's label)
Primitive Brutality Recordings (Roger from Mortician's label, SUPER CHEAP)
Brutal Mind
Despise the Sun (Expensive, but has some rare shit)
Coyote Records (expensive shipping, located in Russia)
Reality Fade (new Ukrainian label, doing kickass stuff!! Released the new Coprobaptized Cunthunter, Inderterminable Corruptions, Scatology Secretions, and a few more. Has a decent distro, but again, shipping is a bitch. FULL SUPPORT)

A lot of mine just comes from friends, collectors' groups on FB, etc. Are you in the Brutal Death Collectors group on there? Excellent group, I see some crazy shit in there, and some good deals on the occasion when people are selling.
Are you in the Brutal Death Collectors group on there?

I believe so. I've been turning more to discogs when it comes to buying kvlt metal and stuff. I may start using that exclusively, but sometimes Amazon can't be beat with free two day shipping on some stuff I find there.

Sevared is solid but I will check out the others. Thanks!
So I ordered some more stuff from NSE (Two Cerebral Effusion full lengths which are sick just as I expected) and Dan sent two free CDs with it:

Carnal promo which is sick
A promo of all the NSE artists. It's basically one song from each band signed to NSE. Good way to figure out what to get next from the distro:

Last time I went to Dan's, he gave me like 15 of each of those and I gave them out at the Morbid Angel/Suffo show the next day.
Got Die's Rise of the Rotten the other day. Underrated shit, plus I love basically anything that comes out of Denmark. Also, picked up the sole full length from a French early 2000s band called Byatis. I'm completely enamored with the horrendous album cover; the super of-the-times Photoshop garbage slopped together, the 3-D word art bubbly logo, the fact that said logo is on fire, all of it just speaks to me. God I miss the early 2000s.

EDIT: I'm bored, so I decided to turn this comment into a "recent finds" megapost. Here's some sickness for you guys.

The new Abuse album is cool.

As is the new Devangelic:

Putrescent Seepage's demo last year was some of the sickest stuff in a while. Sounds like Gutrot and Pustulated.

Encabulos from Australia was super sick around the turn of the century.

Horgkomostropus is the only Honduran band I know of.

German BDM from 2005, just got this CD the other day.

Found this last night. Siiiiiiiiick fucking vocals.

I've been digging on a lot of Spanish bands lately. SOK is one of the older, better ones.

Ohio had such a cool fucking scene in the late 90s-early 2000s.

Phyphomgertum is definitely a weird name, but don't let that dissuade you, these Mexicans are sick as fuck.

Glad Parasitic is coming back, this 2005 demo was nasty.

Best/worst name for a death metal band ever.

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Fun fact, you can only play shaped discs in players that they snap down into the center of.

I know thats not an actual cd but I have a sawblade shaped cd and if you put it in a player like that, it'd be lost.
Fun fact, you can only play shaped discs in players that they snap down into the center of.

I know thats not an actual cd but I have a sawblade shaped cd and if you put it in a player like that, it'd be lost.

Didn't know that. I don't use CDs specifically (other than a 1 time rip) and I don't use the CD player in my vehicle and I don't have any odd-edged discs, but on the off chance all of that occurs, good to know.

Edit: Would be neat to have a thread cataloguing all "oddshaped" CD releases.