Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Hmm, none that I can really think of. There is actually a fairly substantial anti-black metal feeling within the scene and black metal would be hard to incorporate into BDM because they are stylistically far apart. Maybe V5 can think of something, but I'm really drawing a blank here.
aye aye mon capitan(s)

hehe, Zephyrus you are a black metal man to the core :lol:

also the rightmost member of infernal revulsion (on their myspace) seems to have slightly worse taste than the rest of them.
No problem, great band and the drummer is a cool guy. Hopefully you've read the interview we did with him!

Not really coming up with any blackened brutal death...I guess you could say newer Anaal Nathrakh is close to this, but there's nothing accepted as slam or brutal which is also accepted stylistically as BM...
Chug style riffing (ie palm muting, central to brutal/slam death) and black metal don't really go together. That is the problem. At most, there may be a brutal/slam death band with an evil black metalish atmostphere to their music, but I think that may be hard to achieve. I can think of a few black metal bands that chug once in a while, but they are far from brutal/slam death.
well then maybe you should stop listening to Carcass.
Why are you responding to an ancient post from a poster that no longer posts here?

I was on Devourment's myspace earlier and they had a new song and it said it was from the "Limbsplitter split" that was dated 07. Anybody got any info?
Devourment was featured on a split with Godless Truth, Sect of Execration, and Sarcolytic (all good bands). On that split they had a new song called Deflesh the Abducted and a Cannibal Corpse cover. Here's the release I'm talking about: