Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Are there any brutal death bands that incorporate electronic sounds keyboards in rhythm with the guitars, kind of like Dripping, but a lot more consistent in that approach.
thanks to cookiecutter and V5 this thread inspired to download quite a bit of brutal death and death/grind. kudos!

They sound kind of Brutal with some grind shit added. Worth buying?
No slams though.

They sound kind of Brutal with some grind shit added. Worth buying?
No slams though.

I personally think they epitomize generic brutal death. The minute + porn samples at the beginning of each and every single track really aren't necessary either.

I would avoid them.
They're not brutal death, they're goregrind (nitpicky, sorry). And Satyriasis & Nymphomania is a good album. Really fucking weird. Agreed, the sample are a little long, but it has such an awesome feeling to dirty crusty gore brutality. Vocals alone make it worthy.

I heard they became more "mature" and "serious" lately though. All I know is I first heard those guys 4 years ago and thought they were the brutalest thing ever. Not so much, but still a quaint and decent band.
I almost edited my post to change it to goregrind after relistening to them, but fuck it.

The only thing I heard from them was their newest album. I got about 3/4 of the way through before I stopped, it sounded just like every other goregrind myspace band out there.

I will check out that other album sometime, and see what I think.