Brutal/Slam Death Metal

I'm sure he'd be happy to hear that; he isn't around on here all that much but next time I talk to him (if it's before the next time he shows his ass 'round here), I'll let him know your thoughts. Cheers!
Found this gem

Great band from Japan, basically the retarded offspring of Gorevent and Cephalotripsy. They have a new album coming out soon alongside Gorevent.
I didn't think it was possible for Ceph to have retarded offspring. That's like... double-tarded. I definitely gotta check 'em out.

Speaking of Cephalotripsy, when's that full length hitting? The demo was badfuckingass.
Not to be the token dumbass here...but I can't read the logo for that Youtube video and no one is referring to them by their name. Who the fuck is it???
That's my only complaint with slam/BDM. I'm not really enamoured with the gore imagery most of the time. Sometimes, sure, but oftentimes it feels like the lyrics are just mishmoshes of medical words. I kinda wish I could get the SOUND of the genre but with more "horror/macabre" motifs.

Like right now, I'm spinning Condemned's "Realms of the Ungodly" and loving every second of it.
Lyrics and Slam, thats funny. I'm amazed if I can even find lyrics to a song, let alone if the song even has them.

Well not JUST the lyrics, I mean the song/album titles, band name, and cover art. The whole shabang. When I'm reading titles that are just random collections of gross words, I'm just not huge on it. Some bands are awesome enough that I can overlook it (Guttural Secrete, Disgorge Mex), but "Medic Vomiting Pus"? What does that even MEAN?
Also, who cares?

Oh it won't stop me from listening. It just affects how you feel about the band is all.

I just mean it gets tiresome after a while. Like it's paint by numbers. That's why the really good ones to ME (Abominable Putridity, Pathology, Defeated Sanity, Human Mincer, etc) aren't just on a crusade to see how "horrific" they can be. It's a part of their style, sure, but they're more focused on wrecking your shit via the album.