Brutal/Slam Death Metal

If you find them to be generic, and I don't, Gutteral Engorgement is good. It's is not at the typical pace of bands of this type, it's a little slower, but by a touch, and it works. I've heard much worse, and I've listened to other bands of this type and they don't sound like anyone else. And they sound like I'd want to see them live; my headbanging says they're not generic. That's right, I'm defending Gutteral Engorgement.

As for Cerebral Effusion, I've said that they're really really good, however, considering the nature of their playing and the technicality of the music, how pristine the vocals and drums are, they are a studio band. I do not believe they'll be able to convey the same skill live, so I am willing to bet a penny that they'll be really really shitty live proportionate to how really really good they are in the studio, so don't get your panties too wet over them.

Guttural Engorgement had some decent ideas hampered by terrible production, shoddy songwriting, and the most monotonous burps imaginable. Every project he has been in since than has just been re-recordings of GE tracks pretty much, and I can't fucking stand that.

From everyone I know that has seen Cerebral Effusion live, they supposedly pull off their sound live quite well. I mean, if Disgorge and Defeated Sanity can put on amazing live shows, I don't see why Cerebral Effusion couldn't.
They made muh list anyway. That list is from my own personal preferences and the guys that have posted here over the years. V5, Cookiecutter, malice, morguelord, and a few other have unwittingly contributed to it.
Also, digging Omnioid quite a bit. Thanks to Morguelord for that one.

I'm not sure I remember making that recommendation, but you're welcome dude, they are indeed sick!

I'd really like to add to that list, but I just woke up and really don't feel like reading through a list and seeing what I can scrape from the bowels of my mind. Ehh, maybe I'll get to it later/tomorrow/in a few months. Looks like a damn good list through, Krow, nice job.
Hello! I want to know this titan's entrance theme's name (0:05~0:45)! I think it's a death metal music(spanish?). Anyone knows? Thanks!
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Guttural Engorgement had some decent ideas hampered by terrible production, shoddy songwriting, and the most monotonous burps imaginable. Every project he has been in since than has just been re-recordings of GE tracks pretty much, and I can't fucking stand that.

From everyone I know that has seen Cerebral Effusion live, they supposedly pull off their sound live quite well. I mean, if Disgorge and Defeated Sanity can put on amazing live shows, I don't see why Cerebral Effusion couldn't.

I see why you mentioned Defeated Sanity because their drumming is similar, however, if you listen to the Cerebral Effusion track, the drums sound...soft. I can't really describe it as, the way it is produced it sounds like you have to get really close to them to hear it. Kind of like how someone can be a good singer when singing softly, or can sound good only when your ears are close to them, but they cannot 'project' and don't sound good when singing louder with any attempts to project the voice. That's what Cerebral Effusion sounds like to me. But if they can pull off a live show, then cool, but I doubt that very soft, technical tone was really portrayed well. Disgorge an Defeated Sanity would put on a loud show because their instrumentation sounds natural. Cerebral Effusions does not.

As for Gutteral Engorgement, what the guy has done outside of GE is not relevant to the quality Gutteral Engorgement. I think the vocals on Slow Decay of Infested Flesh are great, actually, not only because they don't overpower the instrumentation but it actually matches the tone. What I find most brilliant about GE is the fact that they play at a slightly different place than other bands, and that structure and what was done with it is consistent throughout the album. The reason I find this impressive is because it makes the album unique. I've yet to find any slam or brutal band that sounds anything like them, so frankly if the guy is trying to mimic GE, he has good reason to. They're unique. I think your description would be more fitting for Devourment or Vulvectomy.
Okie dokie I noobz at teh Slams so bare with me. I've been legitimately trying to get into this kind of music recently. So far I've got Devourment and Kraanium on my wish list here. Albums include Ten Acts Of Sickening Perversity, Butcher the Weak and Unleash the Carnivore. I really liked Devourment's shit, Butcher the Weak sounds fucking sick.
I didn't know there were two I'm a noobz remember?

This is what I'm talking about, whatever version this is.

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Yeah that's the good version. After that they turned into a BDM band. Nothing wrong with that though, Conceived In Sewage is really good, maybe the best brutal CD of 2013.
Got some Kraanium yet?
Not much a fan of either of the last two Devourment CDs...

Dying for the new Kraanium and also cannot wait for the new Abysmal Torment.

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Better than I thought it would be, actually. Guitars could be heard. A bit to popular sounding, though. Some good moments.

What did you think of the new Abysmal Torment?

Too popular sounding? Care to elaborate on what the hell that even means?
Too popular sounding? Care to elaborate on what the hell that even means?

Mostly, I'd say a heavy reliance / over-use of octave chords. See the first two in particular, below, if not familiar.
