Brutal/Slam Death Metal

YES! Mexigorge are ridiculously insanely crazy!

I ordered Infernal Revulsion's new one from Gorgiastic. Should be here in a week. PSYCHED.
Listening to the Myspace now...

Sounds like basic slam with very low vocals that sound high-pitched but aren't those things Saprogenic does soemtimes but all the time. OK, nope I lied, here are some gutturals.

This is good. WTF? I am gonna download this shit right now.
Start with Forensick. It's really spazzy, HORRIBLY written and played brutal deathgrind. There's almost no melody or attention to really anything. PURE VIOLENCE! Lyrics are hilarious/amazing also. The new one is a more mature album with actual, like...songs and shit. But fuck that. It's good anyway, though.

Necrotic Disgorgement comes highly recommended, by the way. And I didn't have IR because I never ordered it...yet. BUT NOW I WILL.
ewwww necrotic disgorgement, never liked them much. I think it's because of the terrible production on it.
They have pretty great solos. Now, Heinous Killings...I don't like that shit at all. SO boring and ridiculous. Same with fuckin' Artery Eruption. Kids, there is a WRONG way to slam.
I liked Heinous Killings, but almost entirely for the vocals. I am curious to see how he does with a full line up.

Speaking of the right way to slam, I was listening to Cephalotripsy at work. I had to stop my self from head banging in the office :kickass:
I'll have to check out some of these bands. I have Dying Fetus - Stop at Nothing, which I like quite a bit. I read somewhere that it differs from their earlier releases (not sure how).

I've seen Suffocation mentioned in the first few pages. Are they being placed in the category of slam death?
Suffocation are not slam death. Slam death is groovier and slower. A "slam" is a slow groove, which is usually followed by blasting sections. If you remember the cool slower riff in Liege of Inveracity, that is a nice example of the tempo and style of riffs.

Stop at Nothing is different from past releases in that the higher vocals are used more. It is alright but the new one or Destroy the Opposition is better.

If you want something primitive, bludgeoning, heavy and brutal, slam death is a good place to look.