Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Abominable Putridity
Decaying Purity
Fetal Mutilation
Succubus Ritual
Down From The Wound
Vomit The Soul
Exulcerate (new review up on S-M now!)
Necrotic Disgorgement
Am I the only person who thinks Four Seats For Invalides is probably the best of the Czech grind bands? Way better than the painfully overrated !T.O.O.H.! in my opinion.

!T.O.O.H.! isn't really "grind" it's more like folky prog/tech death and the early stuff is boring deathgrind.

FSFI are alright...I'd recommend Contrastic over them though if you want great grind from Czech.

@ Life Sucks: I haven't heard them, but the other best Greek bands are Human Rejection and Vulnus!
Yeah, looks it...but it'll be great, I have no qualms with waiting. I told Chris that he was a totally great interviewee...funny and informative. I like! People on the Devourment forums were saying they wish more people did inties with people who aren't Mike :lol: S-M does it again...

A few miscellaneous news things...

Soils Of Fate shirts are going to be available from (I think) Pathologically Explicit Productions pretty fucking soon.

Distros are FINALLY getting copies of the Abominable Putridity slipcase/digi and jewel version.

Slam is awesome.

Also, on an SOF related note, Henke Crantz recently commented us on Myspace saying the following:

"Thank you guys for the kind words about SOF. The words just blew me away. Your analysis is just amazing, bulls eye! Thank you again and keep it up.


I finally realized that the biggest reason i like bands like aborted/carcass/impaled/exhumed etc is the wall of sound sort of production but at the same time its clear and heavy and has good riffs. benighted's identisick was a good one for that, are there any other brutal/slam death metal bands anyone here likes that have that sort of production going on?
Slam-Minded Blog has begun somewhat of a partnership with the equally new and upcoming Self-Digested Records. This deal is kind of nebulously described so far but we both thought it would be cool to have a partnership with a label doing underground slam. I mean, I knew Nick would want to be in on this because check out their upcoming releases!:

4 or 5 new tracks on a vinyl 7' release...
by Human mastication..

upcoming releases
SDR001 Glossectomy Glossectimized full length
- limited to 100 copies
SDR002 4 Faces of the Philippines Split cd
- limited to 300 copies

MORE UPCOMING, but not complete:
SDR00? 3 way split between Glossectomy, Flesh Impaled, & A.A.
- limited to 1000 copies
SDR00? 6 way split between bands to be released..
-limited to 1000 copies
SDR00? Splatter technique full length
-limited to 1000 copies

It's too bad the Glossectomy they're releasing is apparently a new Texas one...seems the Japanese one is done for. Oh well, the new one is pretty good...and with these guys on our side, we should reach more people and slam harder...
So apparently there's word going around that Wormed will be releasing a new full length sometime this year.

Also, Hour Of Penance and Decaying Purity are now accepting pre-orders.