Brutal/Slam Death Metal

You could easily get a slam death masterpiece imo. Their have definitely been moments when I've been listening to slam or brutal death and thought 'holy shit, this is fucking music perfection' and that's what defines a masterpiece for me.
Amputated Genitals' 'Human Meat Gluttony' is a very good example of how slam death can be a masterpiece.
TRUTH! I think you need a good ear for slam to find the "masterpieces"'s like every other genre really. If I wasn't a black metal fan I would not be able to see how there are BM masterpieces, but people who are into it and critically listen to it with discerning ears can tell the wolves from the sheep.
I hear people all the time talking about how brutal/not easy to get into Wormed are, yet at least to me, Planisphaerium is really fucking catchy and easy to get into. is the general idea that Wormed are pretty fucking out there and too brutal or have i just been talking to the wrong people?
I find Wormed kind of overrated. They're to brutal death metal what 'Little Miss Sunshine' is to independent film.
Cephalectomy is not really brutal death (possibly debatable though), and Dripping is...well, OK Dripping is fucking great. But I don't think Wormed's purpose is to be trippy.
Wormed has a really futuristic and spacey atmosphere in my experiences with the music. For some reason, I always think of zooming around on the cycle bikes from the movie Tron when listening to them.

However, listening to Dripping makes me feel like someone is fornicating with my cerebellum, which visually looks like a swirling array of colors traveling at ridiculously high speeds. Definitely falls under the "trippy" category, though I wouldn't say Wormed does (for me, at least).
Fetocide is really average tbh. They are in no way, shape or form better or even close to Wormed. Wanna keep rooting for the underdog here? :p
Part of my animosity towards Wormed comes from how they're the brutal death metal equivalent of Wayne Brady. You know: 'one of the good ones'.