Brutal/Slam Death Metal

from the couple songs ive gotten through so far. i think they might hav gotten worse. i guess u could say the production is better but it doesnt make up for it.
the production is actually worse overall, fuck. You can't even make out the guitars.

Another terrible album from a terrible band, but somehow people will love them.
New Amputated is a real killer! I like it A LOT! It is crushing and doesn't get boring. I think it is mixed quite well and sounds are good. Vocals are very brutal and they sound almost like drilling inside my head. I've listened the cd a couple of times through now and I think it is one of the best albums released this year.

I also got new Artery Eruption... well, after Amputated that sounds crappy. Maybe I have to give it a chance and get into it properly...

Today I finally had a chance to listen to this album, and I really enjoyed it. I read a lot of negative responses to it and went in not expecting much, but it has some good slams and will keep me satisfied until I get the new Vomitous MCD :)