Brutal/Slam Death Metal

I think the album I enjoyed most was Murder Intentions, slammy deathcore with some angry lyrics. Vulvectomy was something I wasn't expecting, they changed their vocals a bit and everything else was improved, A good CD.
I would say not everything about Post-Abortion Slut Fuck is an improvement; some transitions between blast and slam are spotty and there are glaring issues with the pacing of the drums against the tempo of the riffs (though I will concede that it is good they finally learned how to program things other than snare/kick/crash cymbal :p). That said, I will write a review fairly soon; I expect to find new things to like in it over multiple listens, as it is a consistently impressive CD with a surprising amount of sick non-slam riffs.
To be fair, I liked there first album a little better because it was groovier, this one is a little more brutal, but I'm not saying they both aren't great. Just preference.
Beyond the sometimes awkward transitions, I find it a marked improvement over their first album, which while being groovy, was a tad boring.
I find PCF to be, while pretty goddamn awesome, kind of a tiring listen after the 4th or 5th time through. In other words, I think the new one will have an opposite effect and will grow over time instead of its effect lessening due to similarity between tracks and overly-concrete flow, etc.

Oh, some of the samples on PASF are pretty lame, but some sample use (SAMPLES UNDER SLAMS IS GOOD DO IT MORE) is fucking awesome.
One striking thing about the new Vuvlvectomy is the improved drum programming. Just listened to it once but to me it seems like it will be a better album than the first. There is more variation and all is improved except maybe the vocals.
i was just driving in the snow and som little kids through snow balls at my car so i parked got out and started screaming at them. it was fun.
i was just driving in the snow and som little kids through snow balls at my car so i parked got out and started screaming at them. it was fun.

I hate people who throw snowballs at cars. Dosen't it occur to them that someone might get a fright and crash. I applaud you for shouting at them.