Building my "studio"... or maybe not? Need some advice.


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
So we built some DIY basstraps. Room sounds pretty dead now and I'm not sure if that's a good thing. We had some rehearsals with the basstraps and it's really cool how clear everything seems to sound now.

I know the room is small and I'm wondering how much of a problem this can be while mixing or recording in it because I'm planing to use it as my first "studio" room. I just want to be able to record drums.

Do you think it's good enough to start or just too small?

Some pictures... yeah room looks like shit and so do my diy traps :D Looks much better in reality with moody lights ;)





yes it is but I couldn't find a better space that I can actually afford. Another problem is that most rooms that I could use are at places where lot's of bands practice. Don't want them on my tracks :)
I wouldn't worry about it being too dead sounding given the size and surfaces of the room. However, being a small room can have it's impact on the sound of the kit.

If you're going to use samples then there's a good chance it would work out after all. If not ... well, you can try.
Unfortunately a small room, parallel surfaces and apparently stone walls, ceiling and floor will most probably cause you some gray hair. Rooms like that usually sound like huge toilets disregard the bass traps, since they usually have pretty ugly flutter echos. I've tracked drums in a room like that a couple of times, and I had to rely completely on sample replacement due to the room, and the OH's and cymbals still turned out pretty horrible. For vocals and guitars I had to build some makeshift booths from mic stands and winter jackets, and again, I still couldn't get completely rid of the room's nasty sound. Hope it works better for you, though!
Unfortunately a small room, parallel surfaces and apparently stone walls, ceiling and floor will most probably cause you some gray hair. Rooms like that usually sound like huge toilets disregard the bass traps, since they usually have pretty ugly flutter echos. I've tracked drums in a room like that a couple of times, and I had to rely completely on sample replacement due to the room, and the OH's and cymbals still turned out pretty horrible. For vocals and guitars I had to build some makeshift booths from mic stands and winter jackets, and again, I still couldn't get completely rid of the room's nasty sound. Hope it works better for you, though!

the floor is covered with carpet. as I mentioned the room sounds dead now. I don't think echoes will be a problem. I could cover the ceiling with wood. You're talking about the stone walls... are your walls covered with wood? most walls around here are made with stone.

Thats really not a good joke to make :ill:

Obviously several people do.. but if you want to have an attitude and act like a cool 15-year old, be my guest.
Obviously several people do.. but if you want to have an attitude and act like a cool 15-year old, be my guest.

Haha, a whole two people? And I'm guessing you as well, so three? O herrejävlar, jag är helt förstummad av hur mycket jag bryr mig.

You can imply that I'm immature as much as you want, that doesn't have the slightest bearing on my actual fucking point. Some guy you have never even met, and probably never will, makes a pointless joke and you instantly start leaking out your vaginas? Do you not have bigger things going on in your life then worrying about some slightly insensitive thing someone said on a forum?

Anyone get upset about some shit-nugget like that seriously needs to think about their life, or rather their lack of one.
I don't give a shit about the so called "joke" in question, but I do give a shit about people acting like pc-joke nazis about things that don't have anything to do with them, and something that any normal person would just disregard.

And there is absolutely no trolling involved in my posts, I stand behind every word up there. People just need to chill the fuck out.
argh. could you guys just shut the fuck up about that stupid joke and finally help me out!? 245 clicks and 2 answers regarding my question! what's fucking wrong with this forum lately!?

So PLEASE PLEASE stop now and get back on topic if possible or just close this thread.
There's a studio in my town that has an even smaller live room, filled with auralex too. The overheads come out absolutely lifeless every time.

Good for vocals though :lol:

Convolution 'verbs will be your friend.

...or a good chamber verb' :popcorn:
Just grab a pair of overhead mics and do a few tests with some cymbals. For the rest you can get away with sample-replacement, hopefully you can even leave some of the original snare for a more realistic sound.