Burzum - Belus (aka "Den Hvite Guden") (2010)

Lols. Look at all the Varg fanboys justifying his pussiness.


What a fag.
Lols. Look at all the Varg fanboys justifying his pussiness.


What a fag.
Your comment there is pure faggotry. Obviously Varg doesn't want any more negative criticism, so the name change was quite a smart move.

Hubster speaks the truth.
You guys are all ignoring his post X about Den Hvite Guden

In that post he was comparing today's black metallers to my pals...

my pals!!?

You're telling me he is worried about coming out as a racist because he's on parole?

It's about sales and that's that..only fans read his blogs so he can write whatever the fuck he wants and not worry about a backlash, while the rest of the metal community will only read the reviews or hear about the album from word of mouth...

Stop defending him like he was your mother
Everyone knew it was coming, but it surprised me how soon it did happen. "Lie low and write books" my ass. Anyways, I do believe that in the ORIGINAL article he used the word "Negro," and in fact "stereotypical Negro" which is a maaaasssive improvement for him. Huge. Though I may be wrong, perhaps he did use the other term and when the article was posted, the host refused to release that word, but in that case it would have been in brackets.

Anyways, put simply, if he's a good boy, cuts down a little on the hate, and acts like somewhat of a decent human being, there is no reason for Norway to FIND a reason to put him back in jail.

Now, consider this, in the end he was prosecuted for 3 of the church-burnings of the nigh dozen he was present for. All they need is one or two witnesses to come forward. Each church-burning is a completely individual crime, and each additional one they can dig up witnesses for is more time they can shove him back in.
Speaking for myself, I think I've been fairly critical of some of his statements while defending him against some of the flagrant stupidity being hurled his way. I mean, if you take into consideration the isolation he's lived with for half of his life and his feeble attempts at rebelling within that system (he admitted that some of the opinions he expressed while in prison were the result of his need to rattle his cage a bit -- which, as Hubster pointed out, didn't help matters), maybe the guy deserves a bit of a chance to correct himself. I mean, of course he wants to tread lightly now that he's free, living with his family, and making music again.

only fans read his blogs so he can write whatever the fuck he wants and not worry about a backlash
That's not true. One of the first things he addressed was how he was surprised to realize how many detractors he had paying attention, and that he needs to be more careful about things he says. He even offered an apology. I don't think it's pure fanboyism to admit that's a commendable effort at clarifying his intentions.

Which is all he's trying to do, really.
On a different note, I kind of miss him being in jail. There's no promise that he will continue his path as an author now. To be quite honest, I hold his writings on a much higher level than his music. Now that he's out, the best I can hope for is that he puts equal effort into writing and composing.
I just dont understand the fanboys. If he had godly music, then maybe Id get it. Unfortunately the music Ive heard of his could be written by a beginner guitar player after one year.
Absolutely nothing, unless you're some wanker who reads Guitar World and thinks Dream Theater kick ass.
I just dont understand the fanboys. If he had godly music, then maybe Id get it. Unfortunately the music Ive heard of his could be written by a beginner guitar player after one year.

I just downloaded everything today and I must say you are wrong...I'm probably the furthest thing from an old school Black Metal fan but Burzum rule. This thread interested me and I've been reading about Burzum/Mayhem all day. Burzum are so much better.
Who's talking about Mayhem being any better than Burzum?
On a different note, I kind of miss him being in jail. There's no promise that he will continue his path as an author now. To be quite honest, I hold his writings on a much higher level than his music. Now that he's out, the best I can hope for is that he puts equal effort into writing and composing.

His blog writings or Vargsmål? (The latter I haven't read).