Burzum - Belus (aka "Den Hvite Guden") (2010)

LMAO. I love the Varg fanboys who cry over insults at Varg. This guy is a fucking whacko and I can't believe so many people worship the ground he walks on. You are just as fucking psycho as he is.

Varg = Gay
People hanging from Varg's nuts = funny + Gay
I had a suspicion about what the cover depicted, and it turns out I was correct. From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Höðr :

Höðr (often anglicized as Hod[1]) is the brother of Baldr in Norse mythology. Guided by Loki he shot the mistletoe missile which was to slay the otherwise invulnerable Baldr.

According to the Prose Edda and the Poetic Edda the goddess Frigg made everything in existence swear never to harm Baldr, except for the mistletoe which she found too young to demand an oath from. The gods amused themselves by trying weapons on Baldr and seeing them fail to do any harm. Loki, upon finding out about Baldr's one weakness, made a missile from mistletoe, and helped Höðr shoot it at Baldr. After this Odin and the giantess Rindr gave birth to Váli who grew to adulthood within a day and slew Höðr.

The coming album is called "Den Hvite Guden" (The White God) and is a musical and lyrical description of the the White God (alias Apollon, Baldr, Belenus, Belus, Bragi, Byelobog, Jarilo, et cetera)
I'm pretty sure if this was a thread about Hatebreed or some other shitty band, no one would care about the gay jokes made about said bands.
Well no shit, because who actually pays attention to Hatebreed threads in the first place? Hatebreed fucking blows. People can call them whatever they want, and I'll never know.

Being disgusted with retarded easy jokes being repeated ad nauseum has absolutely naught to do with defending Varg, who is an "eccentric" misanthrope with some horribly immature, sheltered, shortsighted views. I do love his music, yes (it's my theory that zealots and extremists make the best art), but that's not even the point. People like Merloch who can't even grasp this should go drink bleach.
- The cover doesn't look that bad imo. There's a concept behind the art (could be done totally different, though). Something like Graveland's last two covers would look great.

- Varg is an asshole, yes.

- I don't know what to expect, it's been a long time. I'm curious to see how it comes out, let's wait.
One of the things I am most interested in in regards to this album are how Varg's vocals are going to sound. He switched it up on Filosofem and many years have passed and his voice is sure to be different from when he was still practically a kid.
One of the things I am most interested in in regards to this album are how Varg's vocals are going to sound. He switched it up on Filosofem and many years have passed and his voice is sure to be different from when he was still practically a kid.
Pretty curious about this as well. I'm a bigger fan of the wretched howling on Hvis Lyset Tar Oss than the scratchy distortion effect on Filosofem, but yeah, being that he's twice as old now I don't imagine he would sound like that anymore.
Also I didn't see the posts above mine until now. I agree about the vocals, I was talking to Addo I think yesterday about how I was curious how the vocals would be performed, especially given how he's aged, and also how he approached them differently on Filosofem. It should be interesting either way.
...I was curious how the vocals would be performed, especially given how he's aged...

Heh, yeah and hey, same with Franta Štorm on the new MH, can't wait to hear his voice again, even though it's propably going to be only worse.
^ Lowest standards of the year?

Actually behind the juvenile joke lies a very complex message! There's a lot of intricacy in his post.

Also, I love the fact that he just took the piss out of you from a completely ridiculous angle
I can't see what was wrong with the original cover other than it doesn't appeal to the 12 year old crabcore fans in this thread.

The point about his vocals is interesting. Given the vocals on Filosofem were an accident of sorts as the mic was broken, I'd be interested to know if he uses the effect again. Most people liked the outcome on that album, I see nothing wrong with going with that again.

What excites me the most though is this: his time imprisoned means he has been stuck in a time capsule of sorts, musically speaking. Is it possible that his new output could be the rawest example of second wave black metal today? The strongest link to that era? (However, he did state that many of the songs will be old ones. The songs won't be new compositions from scratch, but I guess the interpretation will be new).
I am extremely interested in hearing how his song Uruk-Hai will sound. Burzum was one of the first songs Varg ever wrote, and it sounds completely different then the songs on his self-titled album. Maybe Uruk-Hai will resemble this morso then the tracks on his self-titled? I don't know, whatever the case may be, I'm extremely excited and have my full faith in Varg knowing that everything he touches is gold.