Höðr (often anglicized as Hod[1]) is the brother of Baldr in Norse mythology. Guided by Loki he shot the mistletoe missile which was to slay the otherwise invulnerable Baldr.
According to the Prose Edda and the Poetic Edda the goddess Frigg made everything in existence swear never to harm Baldr, except for the mistletoe which she found too young to demand an oath from. The gods amused themselves by trying weapons on Baldr and seeing them fail to do any harm. Loki, upon finding out about Baldr's one weakness, made a missile from mistletoe, and helped Höðr shoot it at Baldr. After this Odin and the giantess Rindr gave birth to Váli who grew to adulthood within a day and slew Höðr.
Well no shit, because who actually pays attention to Hatebreed threads in the first place? Hatebreed fucking blows. People can call them whatever they want, and I'll never know.I'm pretty sure if this was a thread about Hatebreed or some other shitty band, no one would care about the gay jokes made about said bands.
Pretty curious about this as well. I'm a bigger fan of the wretched howling on Hvis Lyset Tar Oss than the scratchy distortion effect on Filosofem, but yeah, being that he's twice as old now I don't imagine he would sound like that anymore.One of the things I am most interested in in regards to this album are how Varg's vocals are going to sound. He switched it up on Filosofem and many years have passed and his voice is sure to be different from when he was still practically a kid.
Happy idiots? God you're all faggots.
...I was curious how the vocals would be performed, especially given how he's aged...
^ Lowest standards of the year?