Burzum - Belus (aka "Den Hvite Guden") (2010)

I think that HLTO is the strongest primarily due to its cohesion, as evident in the fact that it was the only album actually written as a holistic framework, or rather a homogeneous suite, whereas the other albums are more ad hoc affairs assembled from songs written at various times. I think that DSEV is clearly the worst of the first four, but then again it's better than most band's best albums.
HLTO is definitely the most "homogeneous" of all the first four suites. I feel like the debut is the most fragmented, with some filler (even though I do love Dungeons of Darkness), DSEV is the next most fragmented to me, and Filosofem comes close to HLTO in terms of working as an "album."
I agree about HLTO's cohesion, and this only adds to its ritualistic atmosphere, which I think is culminated on "Inn I Slottet Fra Drǿmmen" -- incidentally my favorite track on the album and possibly my very favorite Burzum song.

Also agreeing on DSEV, I rarely put that one on...
I think that HLTO is the strongest primarily due to its cohesion, as evident in the fact that it was the only album actually written as a holistic framework, or rather a homogeneous suite, whereas the other albums are more ad hoc affairs assembled from songs written at various times. I think that DSEV is clearly the worst of the first four, but then again it's better than most band's best albums.
What a load of pseudo-intellectual claptrap. Firstly, it's a black metal album, and referring to it as a "suite" is seventeen shades of the gayest gay and should be ceased henceforth.
I'm guessing you don't get the reference.

I'm surprised about the comments regarding DSEV. I like it quite a lot, and probably prefer it to the debut - although it's been many months since I've listened to either. I mostly listen to HLTO (my favourite by miles) and Filosofem these days, but one really can't go wrong with any of the metal albums.
CC, I think maybe you missed the joke in that post. It may be becasue it was my first Burzum album, but I love DSEV and used to put it on more than any other. Now it is more likely to be HLTO or Filosofem that gets put on, but I think the debut is my least played but that has nothing to do with its lacking in quality that is just the way it seems to be.
I feel dumb right now because I have no clue what the previous two posters are talking about..AT ALL! All I said was that Cookie beat me to the punch when it came to making fun of Dodens post because it was dramatically homosexual.. I don't see what reference you guys are talking about

EDIT: I didn't realize both me and cookie could be referred to as CC...but I spose it doesn't matter since I'm on the same boat as him anyway
The homogeneous suite joke is in reference to a poster (I forget who) who was shitting on Reign In Blood I beleive and said it was bland and a Homogeneous Suite that lacked variety. He was laughed at for his use of the term and it has been used as a joke ever since.
Aha, I would like to extend my apologies to Dodens for expressing my view on his post as it was an ignorant one.
I'm guessing you don't get the reference.

I'm surprised about the comments regarding DSEV. I like it quite a lot, and probably prefer it to the debut - although it's been many months since I've listened to either. I mostly listen to HLTO (my favourite by miles) and Filosofem these days, but one really can't go wrong with any of the metal albums.

Don't get me wrong, like I said it is a great album, but (and I'm speaking of Burzum/Aske here) I don't hear anything as brilliant as "My Journey to the Stars" or "Stemmen Fra Tårnet" or "A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit" on DSEV.
The homogeneous suite joke is in reference to a poster (I forget who) who was shitting on Reign In Blood I beleive and said it was bland and a Homogeneous Suite that lacked variety. He was laughed at for his use of the term and it has been used as a joke ever since.

Actually that's only halfway accurate. The poster was shitting on RIB and saying that the songs were too short/uninteresting etc. I said to approach the album like you would a 'suite'... i.e. the songs form small bits of a greater overall whole. So I'm to blame for that classic term. :)