Burzum - The Fallen (2011)

The art isnt that bad, but the text...

Cant wait for this, I was actually quite pleased with Belus and that description makes me really anticipate this release.
So this is somewhat out of context, but I'm sitting here watching the Red Letter Reviews of the new Star Wars trilogy, and when I got to Episode 2 I noticed something quite funny:



Second picture not working at all, sorry. Click.
I actually prefer this logo over the last one since it reminded me too much of Opeth's font.
Samples released. I think I like them.
WOW - those samples sound bloody amazing.

One thing is becoming more and more evident: Vikernes is a fucking GOOD songwriter and guitarist. There's some fantastic riffs and chord progressions in his music, and this new batch of work these days only cements this.


What do you guys think about the new vocal style versus the old? Both are great, but I do prefer the old style as it is far more extreme. No doubt it wouldn't be easy to do though as it sounds like genuine harsh vocals with no real technique.
It's just hard to hear this and think Burzum. While I certainly believe that his new material is great stuff, it just lacks that truly magical and dark feel that his early material has. It's almost too ethereal.