
Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
I've been reading about Varg and Burzum lately. I have not followed black metal as closely as some. So, this is my first real "glimpse" into his life.

He sounds very unstable mentally. I think he has an extreme inferiority complex.

What's everyone else think?
He's the one that burned the churches and went to prison for a while?
Someone told me he's getting out soon.

I've read a little about him and Euronymous in "Lords Of Chaos," a book about the bloody rise of Satanic music.

I suppose you have to be a little loopy when you're so steeped into Black Metal that you actually think you're some Viking Crusader going around burning churches!
I seem to recall Hellhammer saying he thought he was actually quite intelligent. But he was quiet (or was that Dead I'm thinking of?). Going by the guys actions I'd say he's a dumbarse. I've never actually heard any Burzum, every time I'm in a record store that has Burzum albums I manage to forget the name of the good albums, and I don't want to accidentally get some crappy ambient thing....
older burzum are pretty good. especially 'hvis lyset tar oss' is genious. the latest efforts have been rather crappy though..

although i must say i totally disagree with his views and meanings, i dont think vikernes is a 'dumbarse'. he seems to be pretty intelligent. he also wrote a book called 'vargsmål' which shows lots of intelligent points.

anyway, he is not getting out in any near future.. he were senteced to 21 years (maximum penalty), so according to that he's not getting out until 2015 (?) or so.. however the system often let people out on probation after half time served. i dont know about vikernes though.. its a pretty extreme case.
I'm still not sure exactly why Varg killed Euoronymous. I don't think Varg is dumb. He seems intelligent, but in the same way Hitler or Gengis Kahn were intelligent. Disturbing thoughts come from that boys mind.
Varg did some good stuff. You should read Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of Satanic Metal. It'll give you a good look at what really went on during all the church burning times. Dont take Varg too seriously though, he may be smart but he also likes to take credit for alot of stuff he didnt do.
In my opinion, "Filosofem" is rainy day music par excellence, only rivalled by Ulver's "Kveldssanger". The combination of Varg's voice and the monotonous pounding music has a strangely calming effect. The burzum site has translations for all the material, an interesting read.

I enjoy the other records immensely too but "Filosofem" is my personal favorite.

BTW, Lords of Chaos was written by Michael Moynihan who had (has?) a project called Blood Axis, who play(ed) musically less than stunning but incredibly atmospheric folky strangeness. I don't care for his political or social ideals but the music minus the implied meanings does it for me.
I only listen to Filosofem regularly. The rest is mediocore crap.
Why is Burzum so worshipped? They are fucking mediocore! :mad: And did you see the prices Burzum-releases fetch on ebay? Madness! Stupid trendies listen to Burzum and buy the releases with the money their rich daddy gives them. I would really like Filosofem on vinyl, but I just can't afford it because those 'black metal fans' (who by the way only know Burzum-Mayhem-Darkthrone) pay a lot of $ for it. Fuck them! Fuck ebay hypocrisy!

P.S.: Varg doesn't play guitar anymore because the guitar was invented by a black guy. Doesn't that says it all.
Originally posted by humus666
I only listen to Filosofem regularly. The rest is mediocore crap.
Why is Burzum so worshipped? They are fucking mediocore! :mad: And did you see the prices Burzum-releases fetch on ebay? Madness! Stupid trendies listen to Burzum and buy the releases with the money their rich daddy gives them. I would really like Filosofem on vinyl, but I just can't afford it because those 'black metal fans' (who by the way only know Burzum-Mayhem-Darkthrone) pay a lot of $ for it. Fuck them! Fuck ebay hypocrisy!

P.S.: Varg doesn't play guitar anymore because the guitar was invented by a black guy. Doesn't that says it all.

It's not all about technical ability, as I'm sure you too will come to see sometime in the future. The great thing about Burzum is the atmosphere.

I got my Burzum trip from a record shop that's virtually around the corner, and their prices were quite agreeable. Go figure.

(stupid trendies)
I suppose CoB is not trendy at all now is it? ;-)

(fuck ebay)
That's too bad.. I have a friend who's often whining about how he saw vinyl first printings of all the classic Gorgoroth LP's on some UG mail order catalog for about $20 a piece, couple years back, and he didn't buy them :-(
Maybe you should open an auction site of your own, make lots of money off stupid assholes and _then_ buy the vinyl.

(black guitar inventor)
Yeah, it says he's either headfucking everybody and sniggering to himself or that deep down, he's an asshole. I personally tend to think the latter option is the more probable one. That doesn't lessen the value of his music though.
Originally posted by humus666
P.S.: Varg doesn't play guitar anymore because the guitar was invented by a black guy. Doesn't that says it all.

I don't claim to be a Burzum expert, but I think he said he quit playing metal music because it is related to rock music which has its roots in African (black) music. He might have said something about the guitar, but I don't know about that.

By the way, he could play the electric guitar since it was invented by white-boys.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Ziller
(stupid trendies)
I suppose CoB is not trendy at all now is it? ;-)

Hehe, no they aren't ;-). But what I really ment was this: on graspop there was a guy from about the same age as me (15) wearing a Burzum shirt. I started talking to him and after a while I realized this guy knew shit about black metal. he basically only knew Burzum and Mayhem. That's what I mean by trendies. I don't pretend to know a lot of black metal, but I support underground bands by bying their releases and demo's, he on the other hand thought he was cool because he listened to Burzum. Burzum has become a trend. When I say I don't like burzum those faggots start saying I'm not even a black metal fan. I mean: fuck them, they will be listening to pop when they are 20 while I shall still support black metal.
Children of bodom might be trendy but atleast people don't listen to it to be cool. You're not 'evil' if you listen to cob.

Originally posted by Ziller
(fuck ebay)
That's too bad.. I have a friend who's often whining about how he saw vinyl first printings of all the classic Gorgoroth LP's on some UG mail order catalog for about $20 a piece, couple years back, and he didn't buy them :-(
Maybe you should open an auction site of your own, make lots of money off stupid assholes and _then_ buy the vinyl.
I could have bought some releases too a couple of years back, and sell them for 5 times the price now. But hey, too late now. I have been thinking of buying stuff and selling it on ebay for a higher price, but I've never actually done it. Maybe in the future...
Originally posted by humus666
But what I really ment was this: on graspop there was a guy from about the same age as me (15) wearing a Burzum shirt. I started talking to him and after a while I realized this guy knew shit about black metal. he basically only knew Burzum and Mayhem. That's what I mean by trendies. I don't pretend to know a lot of black metal, but I support underground bands by bying their releases and demo's, he on the other hand thought he was cool because he listened to Burzum. Burzum has become a trend.

I personally hate the whole idea of flagging bands or styles of music as trendy. I understand what you mean, but think about it: Burzum is pretty damn visible, about as far from being underground as you can and still be BM. Being highly visible makes it _accessible_. As I said, you can get it from just around the corner. Thus for a person getting into BM it's one of the obvious choices... though not one of the most popular, I think. The Burzum Shirt Guy was probably just getting into the music, and will hopefully be inspired to find more BM albums and have his musical tastes evolve like they should.

So basically, I think visibility + accessibility = "trendiness". Desperately refusing to listen to "trendy" music is for art fag poseurs who wish naively to stay tr00 and stop musical evolution. No personal offence intended :-) We all have lots of time left to change our minds over and over again.
Originally posted by phyre
Wasn't that exactly what you were whining about a few posts up? "Hypocrisy", you said.. Well, isn't that cute.. And if you want Filosofem on vinyl, noone's forcing you to buy it on eBay. On eBay, the one who is willing to pay the most money for an item gets it. If that doesn't suit you, get it from elsewhere if you can, but don't whine about it. You aren't privileged to buy records for cheap because you're true-satan-metal-yeah and they're silly trendies (says.. who?) Maybe if you would have listened to black metal by the time the record was released you could have bought it then.

No, I don't have anything against selling on ebay, I have somethinga againt the people who buy there and pay heaps of money. People who pay 60$ for an LP that is easy to get if you look around. But they don't look around, ebay is the only place where they buy. I'm not saying I should get the LP for a low price, I want it for a reasonable price. Not fucking 100€ for a record! Most of the burzum fans really like black metal, but like I said, I've met people who only know Burzum and Mayhem, and then buy all of the releases by these two bands.

P.S.: I can imagine myself as a 9 year old going to the shop and ask for my Filosofem LP :rolleyes:

P.P.S: You are a negative creep...really
Originally posted by Ziller
So basically, I think visibility + accessibility = "trendiness". Desperately refusing to listen to "trendy" music is for art fag poseurs who wish naively to stay tr00 and stop musical evolution. No personal offence intended :-) We all have lots of time left to change our minds over and over again.

I don't refue to listen to trendy music. I listen to Burzum, I listen to children of bodom, hell I even have Slipknot records. I also listen to more progressive black metal like the new Thorns album, I like that a lot. I really don't care about being true or being a poser, I just listen to the music I like.
You're probably right, maybe they will get to know the underground black metal soon. But hey, I actually don't care what those people do and will listen to in a few years. If they listen to black metal, fine, if they don't, fine too. I just get pissed by all these ebayers who pay lots of money for available releases. Why on earth pay 500$ for Mayhem - deathcrush LP? It's jut a mediocore releases in my eyes. A hyped release