Bush songs Joey can do.

manthatfollowshell said:
I swear if I have to hear Joey Belladonna doing “Fueled” I’ll carve my ears out with a rusty spoon.

Before any of you supporters of this reunion call me a “young ‘un” or a “nu” Anthrax fan, I’ll point out that I’ve been a fan ever since the Persistence of Time album came out and as soon as I heard that album I went back and picked up the ones before that.

I still get chills listening to “Belly of the Beast” with Joey singing.

When I heard that Joey was no longer in the band, I was pissed. That was until I turned on Headbangers Ball and saw the video for “Only.” What was once one of my favorite bands, became my favorite band and in my mind the best metal band out there.

While Slayer, Metallica, and Megadeth the other 3 of the big four thrash bands of the 80’s just got stale or in the case of Metallica flat out sucked after the Black album, Anthrax put out the best music out of all of them.

While the powers that be in the music industry were stupid and ignoring one of the best metal acts out there in Anthrax, I kept supporting them. Even if it meant driving two hours from my home east of Cleveland to see them at a shit whole bar in Lorain, Ohio (that was a killer show thow and I’ll never forget being able to scream a line of Hy Pro Glo into the mic with John). I’d plan my vacation days around dates when I heard Anthrax would be in town.

While supporting Anthrax the last 12 years I still followed Belladona, picked up his two solo cd’s and even had the opportunity to see him live, most recently a few months back at House of Blues in Cleveland (with a Metallica cover band on the bill no less) and have seen and heard first hand that Anthrax made the right choice in naming John Bush the singer.

Joey just doesn’t have the range that he once had, and even if he did the style that Anthrax plays today is just so much better.

I wish the band luck because I’ve always been a fan and have always wanted them to get the respect and recognition that they deserve, but I won’t be supporting this re-united line-up.
This is an excellent nail/head post! apart from metallica, but thats a whole 'nother topic and is already 14 years old! :grin: