Buy Savage 120 or Blackmore

Hi guys, I'm trying to choose between this two amps. Here the prices are a bit crazy, 1800 dollars for the Blackmore and 3100 dollars for the Savage (both used).

I understand both heads sounds similar, but the Savage looks better to me.

I know Lasse for example likes the Blackmore more than the Savage, I'm using his Blackmore profile with Kemper and sounds awesome. Also I'm using the Jevo Savage profile and sounds cool. Both heads are great I guess, so Its hard to decide. Some help would be great, thanks!
Savage is more brute and blackmore is more old school, though both amps crossover. I would pick either depending on what you play. Both are excellent amps.
Blackmore can definitely do metal, but I don't know about covering Soilwork.
A dual recto is a good pair for a 5150. Or even a JCM 800 with an overdrive pedal in front.
I chose the savage over the blackmore some years ago and never looked back. Blackmore sounds cool, but it's a one trick pony. Savage is very versatile with some great features.
i personally use channel 4 with gain around 5. the gain on channel 3 affects how hard channel 4 is pushed too (like an OD pedal) so make sure to experiment with that as well.
Haven't played the savage yet, but the blackmore is really really awesome.
Savage is cool too, but based on soundclips and profiles I'd go with the blackmore in your case.
I wouldn't call the Blackmore a one trick pony. It's pretty versatile actually! Seriously, if you don't need four "real" channels, I'd go for the Blackmore.
I don't want to fanboy for the blackmore here, but imo it sounds a lot more massive than the savage in the room.

Would be best if you could try both for yourself though...