buying new amp... advice?

beyond dead

heavy metal dad \m/
Sep 26, 2007
peterborough, ontario, canada
so, im looking into buying a new amp. the criteria is that it needs to be portable, and useful for recording purposes.

its between a krank rev jr half stack, and a 5150 combo.

i am leaning towards the rev jr, cause it looks bitchin, and I was thinking i could run the effects loop out into the return on my dual rec, and use its power section (should i do this?)

then again, i could get a good deal on a 5150 combo, and slap some new tubes in it.

Listen to clips, both are great amps.

I know some people on this forum say that the 5150 does everything the Krank can do and more...

Other say that the Krank pwns the 5150...

I would personally go with the 5150, because I own one and it's nice to have a combo amp so you don't have to lug a cabinet around.
Thread. This sense makes none. ¯\(°_o)/¯

edit: I've yet to hear a great metal recording with a combo amp (that I know of). I suggest buying a separate head and cab. I just got a used XXX for pennies and it's fucking awesome. Get a shitty 4x12 and put in a couple V30s, you'll sound better than a combo amp.
i should have posted more info.

I am very familiar with both amps. i would prefer the krank sound

i have a mesa dual rec and marshall 412, and i want something more portable

I know i could run my cab with the 5150, and quite like its sound as well

Im really wondering if its safe to run the effects send from the rev, into the return of my DR. that will seal the deal for me
Well you can definitely slave the Krank to your Dual Rec, the only issue is both heads will have to be connected to a cab/dummy load while doing so! But yeah, I would avoid the 5150 combo since it is SO GODDAMN HEAVY, jesus - honestly, try to find a cheap used Mesa 2x12, for me I'd rather use a 2x12 half stack than a tube combo amp!
Well you can definitely slave the Krank to your Dual Rec, the only issue is both heads will have to be connected to a cab/dummy load while doing so! But yeah, I would avoid the 5150 combo since it is SO GODDAMN HEAVY, jesus - honestly, try to find a cheap used Mesa 2x12, for me I'd rather use a 2x12 half stack than a tube combo amp!

Mine sounds amazing, has V30's and JJ's in it, and it isn't too heavy at all, lol

Whats' every bodies beef with combo amps? How are they bad in any way?
Well I feel they're only "bad" in that for recording I'd always rather have the options a separate head and cab allow, and for live playing I'd only want a 2x12 combo for greater fullness, but all 2x12 combos are just too damn heavy for me! (I'd rather have two lighter things, a head and cab, than one monstrosity) I've heard (and made) some great clips of the 5150 combo though, so I know it can sound pretty good recorded!
cool. thanks for the input guys.

on one hand, I do really like the 5150 tone, but they are quite popular, and accessing one for use in the studio is easy.

Im gonna go with the krank rev jr, and get the 1 12 cab as well. probably will toss in a v30. I could just use that cab for a dummy load when im slaving the rev jr to the dual rec for recording.

also, I think it will be pretty sick having the little krank half stack. I`m a sucker for aesthetics :heh:

Im also selling my marshall cab and buying a mesa oversized in the near future :cool:
Sounds like a perfect line-up to me! :D And yeah, I think you'll be just fine without a 5150 if you have a Rev Jr. and a Dual Rec ;)