Bwcause I'm fucking drunk and you shoutld fuck you! check this out!11one


Violator of Sheep
Jan 21, 2003
Seattle/Tacoma (Browns Point), WA
So ummm....I'm hellping my firend with this thing and am doing reviews and faggotry uon some shit.

Read this balls and kick in nuts before I dress up like Tee and post pictures of myself!

Tell me what you think and shittits. I was going to post a link to it but it's on pricatryt faggotry so I can't, so here it is:

So here I sit, intoxicated and dressed in women’s clothing, I listen to Polish Black Metal.

Whilst listening to this CD, I realize that I have always truly appreciated it because, kicks fucking ass. The album I speak of is Behemoth - The Apostasy, released some year in some World. I think it was in 2007 on the planet Earth. Anywho, as balls suggest, it is a fucking masterpiece and an epiphany in the melodic black metal genre. My balls are rolling!

The album starts out with a melodic feel featuring nothing more than a female voice singing without words. It has an ancient feeling; something you could imagine yourself hearing in the Roman times circa Babylon. Well, this lasts for about fifteen seconds when the guitars and drums kick in. It has a heavy, yet marching sound where you could actually picture a Roman army marching against the undead into a black sea of death and/or agony. Pretty fucking brutal, isn’t it?!

This is just the kicker, too! This swift instrumental lasts for about a good minute and a half when all of a sudden, you hear a note held down with a bit of feedback. What could happen next? Oh my god, something awesome must be coming!

You are then mesmerized by Inferno’s very fucking awesome drumming skills in the next track entitled Slaying the Prophets Ov Isa. He kicks it off with an awesome series of rolls and ends the quick streak with very fast double bass, splash and snare rudiments. If drumming was a dick-sucking marathon, Inferno would be king. The drums are then not the only thing paid attention to for the guitars kick in with mind-blowing series of blackness. This goes on while the brutal vocals of Nergal kick in to add to the catastrophe of eardrum euphoria.

But wait! Does it ever end?! No......if it did, it would suck. It would suck so much that I would /wrist with wearing nothing but lipstick and stiletto heels (which is very hot on females, by the way *nudge*). The album continues to blow minds and make you want to masturbate furiously when all of a sudden, before you realized that time was still a part of human life, Arcana Hereticae kicks in with a vengeance. The guitars and drums all are in sync with this track with a killer rhythm riff, overlapped by a melodic (still black metalish) lead backed by some very, very, VERY fast and impressive drum work by my favorite wanker, Inferno. While he’s doing a series of killer double-bass blast beats (I don’t know what else to fucking call them!), the guitars continue to kill old people in Utah. Inferno is so fast that he taught God how to play drums!

While this seems like a short span (it really is), Inferno continues to cause climax by a roll forty-five seconds in. Oh, did I mention that immediately after his body-exploding drum roll he breaks into a fast double-bass "solo"? This lasts for about one or two seconds but puts Hellhammer’s ’In Sorte Diaboli’ double-bass to shame! As much as I love Dimmu and Hellhammer let alone In Sorte Diaboli, this little drum ’riff’ gives me enough baby batter to make thirteen kids and raise them in the deepest, darkest depths of Hell (Earth).

Well, this song continues, just like the others, to give me multiple orgasms when the next song, Libertheme, takes over me. The greatest thing about this track?! Oh! I got it! It’s fucking Warrel Dane!

WD (from Nevermore, one of my favs) makes a guest appearance on this collection of insane music writing. Did I mention that Nevermore (a Seattle-based band, I might add) is one of my favorite groups in today’s world? Anywho, there is awesome collaboration between Nergal and WD in this track. Warrel fits right in and the transition between his and Nergal’s vocal parts go so well together that it makes me consider cutting off my genatalia and becoming a moaning Eunuch.

Well, I think this is enough typing on one album. This gives you the breakdown on the brutalness of the album with something that you can hopefully visualize enough to compel you to go out and get the album. It is a fucking masterpiece and to be perfectly honest, for you Behemoth listeners out there, I prefer this album over Demigod. Inferno’s drumming has vastly improved while Nergal’s voice is less raspy and more brutal, the way Behemoth should be! Need not worry, melodic snobs! I as a progressive and melodic lover approve of this album both being brutal and melodic. Nothing beats melodies in one of the most brutal forms of Metal to date!

Listen to it before I eat your babies and remember, stay Metal! :headbang:
Usually when I'm drunk I type better because I take more time and actually try not to come off as a douche bag :lol:

Hmm... maybe I'll have a drink now ;)
Very passionate review there that's almost a bit to much over the top, if you want people to take your opinion serious ('cause some may write you off as a blinded fanboy).

However, firstly, I personally wouldn't label this release "melodic black metal" or "black metal" at all, IMO Behemoth evolved into a pretty straight death metal band over the years (with some blackish riffs here and there). But you know, labels don't matter in the end.

Secondly, in my book, this is a good album but it lacks the freshness and excitement of some of its predecessors. It wasn't the next step many were awaiting from a band that raised the bar and evolved with almost every record. Some parts come off like "Demigod" part 2. So overall a really good record that's missing the "special something" to be a masterpiece IMO.

Thirdly, IIRC Warrel sings on the track "Inner Sanctum", not on "Libertheme".

And: the "tl;dr" argument might really be a problem considering most people's reading habits (especially on the innanetz).

[/my 2 cents]
The analogy "If drumming were a dick-sucking marathon..." makes no sense.

It would've made more sense if you said, "If drumming were a dick-sucking marathon, Inferno would have an egg-shaped face and no gag reflex." You have to have a metaphor for comparison.

Yours is more like: "Inferno is such a good drummer that he's a good drummer."
The analogy "If drumming were a dick-sucking marathon..." makes no sense.

It would've made more sense if you said, "If drumming were a dick-sucking marathon, Inferno would have an egg-shaped face and no gag reflex." You have to have a metaphor for comparison.

Yours is more like: "Inferno is such a good drummer that he's a good drummer."
To me it just sounds like he's trying to say that Inferno is the king of dick sucking marathons.