dreaming neon darkspot
natures' retard
Yeah,my mom is pretty fucked up...she believes in god for fuck's sake!But I don't think she still smokes pot,I swear!If she was still doing pot,I think she'd be a lot cooler(as in tolerable)than she is now.My theory is that she got her hands on some REALLY bad pot at one of those pot parties she went to back whenever.She smoked it and,since it wasn't the high quality pot(if it's even possible to get quality pot anywhere in MD,that isn't Westminster)she usually smoked,it fucked up her mind and got made her all weird and whacked out like she is today.Or she "saw God" on one of her trips...though she swears she never took acid *cough*bullshit*cough*...
But that time when she asked my cat,Lilly,if she(meaning the cat)had had any magic brownies was just too...bizzare.Oh,and,by the way,the cat didn't respond.