The only problem with collecting all those SFII machines is that there's no reason to play anything but SFII Turbo, which was the best!

When I finally settle down, get tenure at some ivy league university, and have gazillions of dollars from multiple pulitzer prizes, I'm going to buy all those Neo-geo multiple game arcade machines, plus the 6 person X-men.
Well every version is slighty different, with some characters missing some moves like Zangiff or chun li.
Plus alot of versions have slightly different end cut scenes. I wanted get mostly console versions, but just atleast one coin operated version! :lol:
I can't believe I'm turning into a Cornelius fanboy. I can't stop listening to The USA Don't Exist it's my favorite Solefald song now, and it's actually because of Cornelius and not Lars for once.
He's so classy. I noticed he wears Mjolnir despite being an Atheist, has he ever said why? And isn't he Norwegian, why does he live in Germany? I know I asked what your favorites were before but what if you had to narrow it down to 3 favorite Solefald songs? Is it normal for me to have a really hard time getting into the albums before Pills?
He's so classy. I noticed he wears Mjolnir despite being an Atheist, has he ever said why? And isn't he Norwegian, why does he live in Germany? I know I asked what your favorites were before but what if you had to narrow it down to 3 favorite Solefald songs? Is it normal for me to have a really hard time getting into the albums before Pills?

A lot of Norwegians wear viking symbols just because it's, well, "very Norwegian" and not because they believe in Odin and Tor (while it isn't more stupid than believing in other gods. Or Santa Claus for that matter...).

Cornelius has been studying philosophy for a number of years so that's the main reason why he's been moving around all Europe.
He's so classy. I noticed he wears Mjolnir despite being an Atheist, has he ever said why? And isn't he Norwegian, why does he live in Germany? I know I asked what your favorites were before but what if you had to narrow it down to 3 favorite Solefald songs? Is it normal for me to have a really hard time getting into the albums before Pills?

I wear one too, but I'm agnostic. I actually think I wear it more for the geek side, Marvel Thor is awesome. Also Cornelius has been living in many different places, if I recall he lived in Brighton (England) NYC (usa), Paris (France) for some time, although I might be wrong. He just travels a lot.

Those studying Philosophy make me laugh. I was having an argument with some guy about Black Metal a few days ago, he was claiming that pretty much all black metal bands has National Socialist beliefs. I was wearing a Burzum t-shirt at the time so he was trying to spout some bullshit that I was a Nazi. I argued a lot with him that he really didn't understand and explained every little bit... his only reply was: "I study Philosophy, I would know more"


I was taking a few classes in college for Philosophy, I have to say my class was filled with the most pretentious people I have ever met. It's such a shame because it's such a good subject.
I don't people who listen to Burzum are racists, but Varg sure is. :lol:

Indeed. I get this a lot for liking Burzum, I was harassed back in college by a small group of black metal kiddies who had this whole "EURONYMOUS RULES, VARG SUCKS" thing going on. Serious Business etc. They all thought I was a Nazi despite constantly telling them I'm not, they ended up photoshopping pictures of me making me have a shaved head and swastika's carved on my face.

Kids are hilarious (I say this, they were actually 2 years older than me, haha).
He's so classy. I noticed he wears Mjolnir despite being an Atheist, has he ever said why? And isn't he Norwegian, why does he live in Germany? I know I asked what your favorites were before but what if you had to narrow it down to 3 favorite Solefald songs? Is it normal for me to have a really hard time getting into the albums before Pills?

So do I, and I'm also an atheist. It doesn't make me any less proud of my heritage. Also, for top three tracks, I'd have to say 04.34 PM (Neonism), Christiania (In Harmonia Universali) and Necrodyssey (Black for Death)

I like both does that make me a gay serial killer or a serial killer of gays?:erk:

You just have bad taste. Slayer sucks.
Rivfadír;6957794 said:
You just have bad taste. Slayer sucks.
I remember being at a Sabbat gig, and think guy asked me did I like Slayer, I said "Not really". Then he was said "OMG better not tell my friend or he'll beat ye!!". I just started laughing and told it'd be pretty stupid to start a fight over a band, he thought about it for a second and then agreed. :lol:
Det Som Engang Var said:
Is it normal for me to have a really hard time getting into the albums before Pills?

if you want the originals, yes. but The End Records mailorder has last year's reissues.
[ame=""]This [/ame] is from primodials cd launch party. I remember seeing Sodom and Ensiferum there, I think only 150 people showed :lol:
Rivfadír;6957794 said:
So do I, and I'm also an atheist. It doesn't make me any less proud of my heritage. Also, for top three tracks, I'd have to say 04.34 PM (Neonism), Christiania (In Harmonia Universali) and Necrodyssey (Black for Death)

You just have bad taste. Slayer sucks.

Overall they're pretty bad, they've had a few good songs out there and shockingly at least one okay album.