I wish there was an Ask Asgeir thread where Asgeir could give advice on life, tips with the ladies, and answer Borky trivial questions. I'm not sure what trivial means. Asgeir what does trivial mean?

I support this.

BTW, in the Fascinating World of Qu Appelle's Soups, homemade chicken vegetable soup is some of the best stuff ever. It's especially good when served with warmed corn tortillas.
I don't think the orginal Breath of Fire is that great to be honest. Most cartriges are pretty cheap, it's just most people are unwilling to pay the price for them.
I think I have like:
20 Snes games, 10 N64 games, 45 Gamecube games, 25 Wii games, 3 GB, 10 GB Colour, 15 GBA, 20 DS games, 5 PS one, 10 PS2, 3 x-box and probably aout 60 GB of different Roms. :lol: Then because I live with six other gamers, I can play almost anything. This being one of the most awesome things.
Agony Aunt Asgeir?
This forum inspires me to draw stupid shit way too much. I'd promise some sort of awesome picture to make for the thread but I'm pretty notorious for NOT DRAWING WHEN I'M SUPPOSED TO.
Asgeir how do I motivate myself to do these things?

Do what I do: Do just a little bit every other day. It's better to do just a little a hundred times than do nothing and NEVER get it done... If you get ideas then list them somewhere - that way you got something to draw the day you have no ideas but really WANT TO draw.
Also, for those not stalking Asgeir on MySpace.

Hot metal musician with such a huge nerdy collection is like porn to me.

Although I bet he's lying, they're all empty boxes :P

Hehe, I got more than what's on that picture. I blew over NOK 100.000 on my collection! Now I can say to girls "Do you want to come home with me and see my G&W collection" instead of stamp collection...
Hehe, I got more than what's on that picture. I blew over NOK 100.000 on my collection! Now I can say to girls "Do you want to come home with me and see my G&W collection" instead of stamp collection...
... wait is that like over 12,000 Euro? :OMG:
I started collecting in 2002 so it's probably more than 12.000 euros... I bought them mainly from eBay long after end of production.
What'd you choose G & W?
At the moment I'm trying to collect every edition of Street Fighter II. Last week I almost got an arcade machine version of new challengers for 300 dollars, but I couldn't get the guy to ship to Europe. :waah:
Sadly there isn't any G&W games on the Virtual Console.
Well techinally a lot of G & W stuff is nes stuff. And in the future they might make a G&W option to download the stuff that wasn't released on another console. Like they did with the neogeo.
I know what you mean, but you have to admit eBay can sometimes have rare cheap stuff in, or even just exploring old video game stores or 2nd hand stores and stuff because a lot of the time the people there tend to underestimate video games and sell them at stupidly low prices by mistake. Take this for example, my friend Richard was wandering through town one time and just decided to browse through some old SNES games. He found this baby, for as you can see $8.99 (Canadian) (although I am curious about the other price tag on there).

He decided not to open it or play it, but instead sold it on eBay for $100.
Either way, I hate him. Because original Breath of Fire = LOVE!

I haven't playd Mario RPG in ages. I'll shamefully admit I haven't completed it, but then again when I did download the ROM I didn't have a control pad so I found most games a little awkward to play on the keyboard unless they were a basic, left, right, up, down movements and battle screens (In other words, every JRPG ever). But I just bought a control pad a few days ago so I could finally complete Demon's Crest and Cave Story.

So what other games do you like, other than Lufia of course? :P On that note, You've reminded me to watch more that guitarist on youtube who does a bunch of video game covers, and slowly but surely going through various videos. There's soooo many good covers out there. I crave covers! (In other words, recommend me some or send me some on MSN/AIM please)

Also, my all nighter failed. I should get some sleep, it's 6am and I'm starting to sound crazy. I need to stop admitting to my nerdiness, it's a huge turn off.
(Sorry for posting soooooooo many images)

Check your UM PMs! I sent you my AIM a while ago (after not seeing the first time you asked for it and responding like 2 months later).
What'd you choose G & W?
At the moment I'm trying to collect every edition of Street Fighter II. Last week I almost got an arcade machine version of new challengers for 300 dollars, but I couldn't get the guy to ship to Europe. :waah:

The only problem with collecting all those SFII machines is that there's no reason to play anything but SFII Turbo, which was the best!

When I finally settle down, get tenure at some ivy league university, and have gazillions of dollars from multiple pulitzer prizes, I'm going to buy all those Neo-geo multiple game arcade machines, plus the 6 person X-men.