Depends, travelling across England can be pretty expensive and sometimes more expensive than flights to other Countries. It's probably be cheaper for me to fly to Oslo and get the boat, or when I visit my sister in The Netherlands I can just drive up.
I wish there was an Ask Asgeir thread where Asgeir could give advice on life, tips with the ladies, and answer Borky trivial questions. I'm not sure what trivial means. Asgeir what does trivial mean?
Agony Aunt Asgeir?
This forum inspires me to draw stupid shit way too much. I'd promise some sort of awesome picture to make for the thread but I'm pretty notorious for NOT DRAWING WHEN I'M SUPPOSED TO.
Asgeir how do I motivate myself to do these things?

For now I'm going to have a boob battle with Amy on my forums. How DARE she upstage me on my own forums.
Asgeir looks like the youtube star "Pablo Kickasso"


Pills Against The Ageless Ills is so fucking amazing. Which should I get next? Not counting Red For Fire and In Harmonia. If you could recommend some of your favorite Solefald songs too that'd be greeeat.

I can't believe it I'm actually starting to like Cornelius's grandpa vocals on The USA Don't Exsist. I love the line "I deny the existence of the USA".

Hey sorry I postwhore so much I just get ramble on when I'm high.
What's not to love? (that's also not an invite to tell me the things you hate about him, ssshhh)
On that note I have also been named "Solefald Girl". Yaaaaaay! I have a superhero name and it's Solefald!
Also even more on that note, MY RED FOR FIRE VINYL ARRIVED.
Now to go do what I always do when new Solefald items arrive.

Also My favourite songs are...
Countryside Bohemians (although Cornelius' voice at the end REALLY annoys me) ((The Linear Scaffold))
When The Moon Is On The Wave ((The Linear Scaffold))
CK II Chanel N-6 ((Neonism))
Backpacka Baba ((Neonism))
Third Person Plural ((Neonism))
Cosmophony ((Neonism))
Charge of Total Affect ((Pills))
Hate Yourself ((Pills))
The USA Don't Exist ((Pills))
Mont Blanc Providence Crow ((In Harmonia))
Dionysify This Night Of Spring ((In Harmonia))
Buy My Sperm ((In Harmonia))
Fraternité de la Grande Lumière ((In Harmonia))
Survival Of The Outlaw ((RFF))
White Frost Queen ((RFF))
Crater Of The Valkyries ((RFF))
Red For Fire + Black For Death ((BFD))
Necrodyssey ((BFD))
Allfathers ((BFD))

I know you said you didn't want anything from In Harmonia and up, but I thought I'd just say anyway.
I sure do love me some Solefald discussion.
Get Neonism. It's their very best.
It's so extremely awesome.

Favourites, eh? I'll give it a shot.

  • Red View (Linear Scaffold)
  • Floating Magenta (Linear Scaffold)
  • When The Moon Is On The Wave (Linear Scaffold)
  • Proprietors of Red (Neonism)
  • Omnipolis (Neonism)
  • Third Person Plural (Neonism)
  • 04.34 PM (Neonism) (ESPECIALLY THIS SONG)
  • The USA Don't Exist (Pills...)
  • Anti-City Strategy (Pills...)
  • Nutrisco et Extinguo (In Harmonia...)
  • Christiania (In Harmonia...)
  • Dionysify This Night of Spring (In Harmonia...)
  • Sun I Call (Red for Fire)
  • Red for Fire + Black for Death (Black for Death)
  • Necrodyssey (Black for Death)
  • Allfathers (Black for Death)
  • Sagateller (Black for Death)

I tried to limit myself a bit.

Also, Cait. What's going on with the boob battle? I see none of that stuff on your forum.
I just posted a photo now in the Adult forum, I mean you've already seen Amy's thread and stuff.

Also, I'm posting this everywhere. I know you guys all know what this vinyl looks like but I own it now so I must show photos!
best late Christmas present ever (NO THANKS TO PHD GOSH)
Only thing that could make me happier is a certain rare demo.


Also, for those not stalking Asgeir on MySpace.

Hot metal musician with such a huge nerdy collection is like porn to me.

Although I bet he's lying, they're all empty boxes :P

But now I have the biggest craving to go and have an all nighter of playing Earthbound.
Which I think I may do right this second.
And I thought I had a fairly impressive collection! While my collection is about 10 times bigger, it's not as rare.
And I thought I had a fairly impressive collection! While my collection is about 10 times bigger, it's not as rare.

Indeed. I don't even have a collection. Only remotely rare game I had was the original Prince of Persia for the Megadrive, but I stupidly left that with Pete when I left York.

I'm just stuck with emulators these days as I'm paying more attention to travelling than collecting any more. :erk:

I talk too much, sorry.
I go with emulators nowadays because the collectors' prices on old cartridges is insane. It costs like eighty U.S. dollars to get a proper copy of Lufia II (actually I would assume more now). It's just better to download them if you're going to actually play them, especially since a lot of old RPGs only have a 5 year battery life. If you bought an old Final Fantasy cartridge for the NES back when it came out, which I did, it stopped working aeons ago.

That is a damn cool Game & Watch collection you have, Sir Asgeir.

I'm currently playing through Mario RPG again... before that I did the 7th Saga, which is a retarded RPG. I don't know how I beat it without an emulator, multiple times, as a kid. I freeze / unfreeze like every 20 seconds now.
I go with emulators nowadays because the collectors' prices on old cartridges is insane. It costs like eighty U.S. dollars to get a proper copy of Lufia II (actually I would assume more now). It's just better to download them if you're going to actually play them, especially since a lot of old RPGs only have a 5 year battery life. If you bought an old Final Fantasy cartridge for the NES back when it came out, which I did, it stopped working aeons ago.

That is a damn cool Game & Watch collection you have, Sir Asgeir.

I'm currently playing through Mario RPG again... before that I did the 7th Saga, which is a retarded RPG. I don't know how I beat it without an emulator, multiple times, as a kid. I freeze / unfreeze like every 20 seconds now.

I know what you mean, but you have to admit eBay can sometimes have rare cheap stuff in, or even just exploring old video game stores or 2nd hand stores and stuff because a lot of the time the people there tend to underestimate video games and sell them at stupidly low prices by mistake. Take this for example, my friend Richard was wandering through town one time and just decided to browse through some old SNES games. He found this baby, for as you can see $8.99 (Canadian) (although I am curious about the other price tag on there).

He decided not to open it or play it, but instead sold it on eBay for $100.
Either way, I hate him. Because original Breath of Fire = LOVE!

I haven't playd Mario RPG in ages. I'll shamefully admit I haven't completed it, but then again when I did download the ROM I didn't have a control pad so I found most games a little awkward to play on the keyboard unless they were a basic, left, right, up, down movements and battle screens (In other words, every JRPG ever). But I just bought a control pad a few days ago so I could finally complete Demon's Crest and Cave Story.

So what other games do you like, other than Lufia of course? :P On that note, You've reminded me to watch more that guitarist on youtube who does a bunch of video game covers, and slowly but surely going through various videos. There's soooo many good covers out there. I crave covers! (In other words, recommend me some or send me some on MSN/AIM please)

Also, my all nighter failed. I should get some sleep, it's 6am and I'm starting to sound crazy. I need to stop admitting to my nerdiness, it's a huge turn off.
(Sorry for posting soooooooo many images)