Hehe, you should go to the Inferno festival in March. BTW - check my new Inferno design at
I actually dug those lions up from an early cover sketch for Origin.

Incredibly tempting, but I doubt I could get the money for something so soon. Besides it's selling out pretty fast isn't it?

You will be surprised what men do in order to be in a woman's harem...

Especially mine.

Whatever instrument you play - try to find your own style. Don't force it into something it's not. However, it's important to "decipher" other players/singers. Steal a little here and a little there and voila - you have your own style. That's what I did.

I understand what you mean, It was always just a case of wanting to do something a bit more unique with my vocals as I vowed to not sound like most vocalists in various Gothic Metal bands and I just looked towards some unique male vocalists for inspiration. I just stupidly tried to hard to exactly like them, which even the most talented of vocalists probably couldn't mimic what most of those guys do.

I can't remember anymore :waah:

Boo, then again we were all pretty much dead. Didn't stop Owen from complaining that I pronounced "Till Fjalls" wrong though.

Yeah, I'm something special, haha!
You really got good taste! Oh gosh, I think I need to add some of this to my signature...

Haha and here It'd be impossible to inflate your ego even more ;)

Oooh look at me. All my replies in one post!
Hehe, I actually first read that as high income and no sales tax - and was about to pack my things here...

Norway has high tax on EVERYFUCKINGTHING, but also high income. I heard we're now number two on the "best land to live in"-chart so now I HAVE TO move...

So now, I have to ask this - since I seem to enjoy talking about obscure US tax regulations on a Black Metal music board - does Norway have both a nationwide tax structure, then different taxes in the different 'states'? Or is it uniform taxes all across the country? Oddly enough, I find this stuff interesting. I seem to have found my true callings; BM fan AND Policy Wonk! :zombie:

Also, a couple of my friends are going to InfernoFest form Seattle; I am insanely jealous that they get to go. They're even 'in the industry', so I think they're also going to the conference that's also being held with InfernoFest. I wanted to go, but it's not in the cards this year. Maybe next year!
....but I'm from Ireland.

then... aren't there more irish on this side of the pond than in ireland proper? =)

also, I was listening to Cosmic Genesis here in San Juan, at my computer... I get up and the album ends, and some goddamn reggaeton starts playing while I'm in the bathroom. i didn't even finish peeing and ran over to shut it up. now i peed all over my underwear.
You just made my year :kickass:

Thank you sir, I was. I'll remember not to next time.

Asgeir: the man who never smiles but always puts a smile on everyone else's faces.

I just went over to my friend's place for the entire evening, drinking Jagermeister, playing poker and playing some rounds of golf on his X-box. Later wandered off to Thor's Stone (it's some sandstone on the top of a hill here in my home town that was used by Vikings to make sacrifices to Thor or something, it's believed that Mjolnir is buried there) and just lay there for hours looking at the stars listening to Borknagar over and over.

I've come to a conclusion that Colossus is my most favourite song ever, and that despite partying and having fun with friends being so incredibly fun, I still believe that being alone, admiring the world I live in and listening to Borknagar as much as possible is the best way to spend my time. That and Colossus is my most favourite song to sing along to while drunk. Nothing more fun than wandering the city, arms linked with my friends squealing "FROM OUT OF STATIC TIME HAS GROOOOOOOOOWN...." etc. throughout the night as we head to the bus stop. I'm tempted to try and do a cover of that song, (it's the only song in the world I can remember the lyrics to 100% and the only song that truly sends shivers down my spine).

I seem to type too much when I'm drunk. I should stop coming on the internet when I drink too much, I make such a fool out of myself. :P
Nah, that was a good post. At least half of the time I make a fool of myself here cause' I'm high or drunk. :p

But I thought you don't respect Simen anymore and Solefald was your favorite?

Oh and something I've always wondered if Asgeir reads this, did Simen wrte Colossus on bass and then Oystein created his stuff over it or did Simen write it on guitar?
I didn't exactly lose respect for him, I just felt a little more negatively towards him for various reasons. I still haven't met him yet though so I don't feel I really have the right to judge.

Solefald is currently my "favourite" band, but I've only been listening to them for about a year (so it could just be a small phase). I've been listening to Borknagar since I was 12 years old (that's 6/7 years now), it may not be much compared to a majority of their fans, but it's a lot for me. Borknagar has a more permanent place in my heart, I doubt anyone or anything could ever destroy my love for this band. The way I feel about Borknagar's music is unexplainable, I was a teenager going through all the usual shitty teenage hormones, and Borknagar was always there for me through the worst times of my life and through the best; from acting like a whiny angsty teenager because I didn't get what I wanted, to throwing myself of a bridge. Borknagar was what I always listened to and what always brought a smile on my face at the end of the day and made me want to make the most of my life every time I woke up.

I guess it sounds pathetic to feel that way about a band. But I guess people tend to care about everything in a different way. Some people feel their life is worth living because they have a significant other, family members, children etc. For me it's music, and more specifically; Borknagar.

I guess I really am pathetic. Haha, I have a stronger connection with songs than I do with fellow humans. wow.
There is absolutly nothing pathetic about that because I feel the same way. Although I've only been listening to them for less than two years, but I don't think anyone will ever dethrone them as my favorite band.
I don't have a favorite band right now.

I have a playlist on my iPod that I listen to on the commutes to and from work, but it has a lot of different stuff on it - all the Borknagar and Vintersorg, plus some Solefald, Hardingrock, Finntroll, Shaman (the band that turned into Korpiklaani), and then rounding it out with a little Spektr, Darkthrone, and Black Funeral. Throw on shuffle, then fall asleep on the bus. I've been meaning to pick up some new music, but I literally haven't had the time, I've been so busy at my job. Maybe next week...
Oh man, I seem to be such a soppy loving drunk. I'm surprised I didn't start spewing "I LOVE YOU" all over the net.
Oh wait, apparently I did.

I haven't been listening to too much metal recently, my friend has got me addicted to Von Thronstahl and Grendel, both being pretty electronic based music. Although I'll admit I only just got into Keep Of Kalessin and I'm kind of addicted to their album "Armada"
Well, my most listened band is Ulver, but for some reason, with Borknagar and Solefald, I just feel a much bigger connection with the bands. Like, they actually care about us, whereas Garm seems to be a bit of a prick, and somewhat detached. Also, the fact that these people actually talk to us and remember us, I find really great. The music is of course awesome, and along with Emperor, helped me get into real metal. I will forever be grateful, and I don't think I'll ever stop buying albums, or listening to the music.
So, in closing, keep up the good work guys, we appreciate it.

Also, I have only listened to them since the summer of 2004, when Epic came out.